mardi 14 avril 2015

setting the value of a text field item in a window

Have a requirement where I need to display a warning symbol, on clicking on this warning symbol a window must popup with an error message, so I must be able to pass the error message from the icon component to the window

I've been using a combination of window.setData, and trying to set the field before render, however it just does not seem to work.

My window looks like this:

DataWindow = Ext.extend(Ext.Window, {

initComponent: function() {

Ext.apply(this, {

errorMsg :'',

modal: true,

width: 600,

height: 500,

text: data,

items: { // Let's put an empty grid in just to illustrate fit layout

xtype: 'label',

border: false



DataWindow.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);}


Must be able to set the data in the inner xtype: 'label',

i.e set the text property in it with the message which is passed in on clicking the icon.

Approaches,ideas are priceless here

setting the value of a text field item in a window

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