lundi 31 mars 2014

How to get transferred data size for a panel


I have an iframe panel and I'm displaying an external html page on it. Is there any way I can get byte transferred ( size of html and images ) and transfer time.


Issue with Login Page


In WP8 and IE10 browser text field got disabled when i click on login button after entering the user and password.
Please see the screenshot.

If some one resolved this issue, please help me out on this.

Attachment 48509

Attached Images

Performance issue with Sencha Touch 2.3


We are facing performance issue with Sencha Touch 2.3. With Sencha Touch 2.0, time taken to load data is 6sec where as with Sench Touch 2.3 without changing code the time taken to load data is 1.6sec.

Can you please help us in this regard.

MVC With DWR Proxt


I have been Using Extjs 4.1 with DWR Proxy.

I havent used Extjs and DWR with MVC Architechture.

Can SomeBody Provide Good Example or Document on the Above.

Thanks in Advance

Using Sencha CMD to concatenate/minify existing ExtJS Application

I have an existing ExtJS MVC application built by hand (e.g. NOT using CMD or other tools) and I want to use CMD to concatenate all the files into a single JS file but can't seem to find the proper command structure to do it without getting the "Command must be run from an application folder" error.

Do I need to generate an app using CMD then move all my JS code over to the appropriate folders to make this work?


Sencha CMD doesn't create the app correctly.


Sencha generate app does not generate the directory structure correctly. The application created is incomplete.

I am using the following command: "sencha generate app MyApp/path/to/www/myapp", following documentation.

Sencha Touch Version 2.3.1

Anyone got this issue?

Ext.device.Connection works in Chrome, but not on iPad

I have a project which needs to check whether the device is connected before submitting a form. I'm using



to check this. When doing this in Chrome during development, the method works just fine. As soon as I deploy to an iPad or the iOS simulator, the app "hangs" at the line which checks isOnline(). I get no error reported and can therefore not debug this.

I'm using Phonegap 3.4, iOS7.1, Sencha Cmd, Sencha Touch 2.3.1.

Has anyone else had this problem and resolved it? If so, I'd be grateful if you would share how you did so. Otherwise, can anyone even point me in the right direction to find out what's going wrong?

Thank you in advance.


Build Fails for web app

Hi Team

First, the official stuff...

Windows 7

Architect Version 3.0.3

Build - 1382

It's been a few revisions since we've actually published this app (using the Build Web App functionality) and we're now getting failure during the build cycle. Log files are:

10:24:37 AM

"C:/Users/sysadmin/bin/Sencha/Cmd/" app build production

C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF>cd /D "C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF"

C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF>"C:/Users/sysadmin/bin/Sencha/Cmd/" app build production

Sencha Cmd v4.0.3.74


[INF] init-plugin:


[INF] cmd-root-plugin.init-properties:


[INF] init-properties:


[INF] init-sencha-command:


[INF] init:


[INF] app-build-impl:


[INF] -before-init-local:


[INF] -init-local:


[INF] -after-init-local:


[INF] init-local:


[INF] find-cmd-in-path:


[INF] find-cmd-in-environment:


[INF] find-cmd-in-shell:


[INF] init-cmd:

[INF] [echo] Using Sencha Cmd from C:\Users\sysadmin\bin\Sencha\Cmd\ for C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF\build.xml


[INF] -before-init:


[INF] -init:

[INF] Initializing Sencha Cmd ant environment

[INF] Adding antlib taskdef for com/sencha/command/compass/ant/antlib.xml


[INF] -after-init:


[INF] -before-init-defaults:


[INF] -init-defaults:


[INF] -after-init-defaults:


[INF] -init-compiler:


[INF] init:


[INF] -before-build:


[INF] refresh:


[INF] -before-refresh:


[INF] -init:


[INF] -init-compiler:


[INF] -detect-app-build-properties:

[INF] Loading app json manifest...

[INF] Loading classpath entry C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF\ext\src

[INF] Loading classpath entry C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF\ext\packages\ext-theme-base\src

[INF] Loading classpath entry C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF\ext\packages\ext-theme-base\overrides

[INF] Loading classpath entry C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF\ext\packages\ext-theme-neutral\src

[INF] Loading classpath entry C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF\ext\packages\ext-theme-neutral\overrides

[INF] Loading classpath entry C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF\ext\packages\ext-theme-classic\src

[INF] Loading classpath entry C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF\ext\packages\ext-theme-classic\overrides

[INF] Loading classpath entry C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF\app

[INF] Loading classpath entry C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF\app.js

[INF] Loading classpath entry C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF\build\temp\production\LegalFirst\sencha-compiler\app

[INF] Loading classpath entry C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF\build\temp\production\LegalFirst\sencha-compiler\app

[WRN] unable to locate files for external reference : C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF\javascripts\common.js

[WRN] scope is C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF\build\temp\production\LegalFirst\sencha-compiler\app

[WRN] unable to locate files for external reference : C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF\javascripts\logon_and_security.js

[WRN] scope is C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF\build\temp\production\LegalFirst\sencha-compiler\app

[WRN] unable to locate files for external reference : C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF\javascripts\file-uploader\fileuploader.js

[WRN] scope is C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF\build\temp\production\LegalFirst\sencha-compiler\app

[WRN] unable to locate files for external reference : C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF\javascripts\file-uploader\jquery.js

[WRN] scope is C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF\build\temp\production\LegalFirst\sencha-compiler\app

[WRN] unable to locate files for external reference : C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF\javascripts\testRig.js

[WRN] scope is C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF\build\temp\production\LegalFirst\sencha-compiler\app

[INF] Concatenating output to file C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF/build/temp/production/LegalFirst/sencha-compiler/cmd-packages.js

[INF] Adding external reference : @full-page => @overrides

[INF] Loading classpath entry C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF\build\temp\production\LegalFirst\sencha-compiler\cmd-packages.js

[INF] Adding external reference : Ext.util.Observable => C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF/build/temp/production/LegalFirst/sencha-compiler/cmd-packages.js


[INF] -refresh-app:

[INF] Appending concatenated output to file C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF/bootstrap.js

[INF] Appending concatenated output to file C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF/bootstrap.js

[INF] Appending concatenated output to file C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF/bootstrap.js

[INF] Appending concatenated output to file C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF/bootstrap.js

[INF] Appending concatenated output to file C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF/bootstrap.js

[INF] Appending content to C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF/bootstrap.js

[INF] Appending content to C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF/bootstrap.json


[INF] -refresh:


[INF] -after-refresh:


[INF] resolve:


[INF] js:


[INF] -before-js:


[INF] -init:


[INF] -init-compiler:


[INF] -detect-app-build-properties:


[INF] -compile-js:

[INF] Loading classpath entry C:\Users\sysadmin\bin\Sencha\Cmd\\plugins\src

[INF] Loading classpath entry C:\Users\sysadmin\bin\Sencha\Cmd\\plugins\ext\src

[INF] Loading classpath entry C:\Users\sysadmin\bin\Sencha\Cmd\\plugins\ext\4.2\src

[INF] Building optimized concatenated output..

[INF] Compressing data with YuiJavascriptCompressor

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (missing variable name => var package = new Array();) -- unknown-file:74915:14

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (identifier is a reserved word => package.push(mr[i].get('acting_fee_earner_user_id') + '~' + mr[i].get('line_item_non_tax_amount') + '~' + mr[i].get('premium') + '~' + mr[i].get('discount'));) -- unknown-file:74918:14

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (identifier is a reserved word => if (package.join() == '') ) -- unknown-file:74920:14

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (missing } after property list => genericMask();) -- unknown-file:74925:14

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (syntax error => genericMask();) -- unknown-file:74925:15

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (identifier is a reserved word => Ext.Ajax.request({url: '/bill/adjust_time_by_fee_earner_from_summary', params: {bill_fixed_id: Ext.getCmp('bill_line_items_summary').billFixedId, records: package.join()}, success: function(response) {) -- unknown-file:74926:165

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (syntax error => }, failure: genericFailedResponse});) -- unknown-file:74944:1

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (syntax error => }, onBill_line_items_summary_timelines_saveClick1: function(button, e, eOpts) {) -- unknown-file:74945:1

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (syntax error => mr = Ext.getCmp('bill_line_items_summary_timelines').getStore().getModifiedRecords();) -- unknown-file:74946:7

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (missing variable name => var package = new Array();) -- unknown-file:74947:14

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (identifier is a reserved word => package.push(mr[i].get('acting_fee_earner_user_id') + '~' + mr[i].get('line_item_non_tax_amount') + '~' + mr[i].get('premium') + '~' + mr[i].get('discount'));) -- unknown-file:74950:14

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (identifier is a reserved word => if (package.join() == '') ) -- unknown-file:74952:14

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (invalid return => return;) -- unknown-file:74955:11

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (syntax error => }) -- unknown-file:74956:3

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (syntax error => genericMask();) -- unknown-file:74957:15

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (identifier is a reserved word => Ext.Ajax.request({url: '/bill/adjust_time_by_fee_earner_from_summary', params: {bill_fixed_id: Ext.getCmp('bill_line_items_summary').billFixedId, records: package.join()}, success: function(response) {) -- unknown-file:74958:165

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (syntax error => }, failure: genericFailedResponse});) -- unknown-file:74970:1

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (syntax error => }, onBill_line_items_summary_timelinesItemDblClick: function(dataview, record, item, index, e, eOpts) {) -- unknown-file:74971:1

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (syntax error => Ext.getCmp('b_edit_line_items_from_date').setValue('');) -- unknown-file:74972:7

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (syntax error => }, onCellEditingEdit1: function(editor, e, eOpts) {) -- unknown-file:74978:1

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (syntax error => }, onBill_line_items_summary_disbursementsItemDblClick: function(dataview, record, item, index, e, eOpts) {) -- unknown-file:74997:1

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (syntax error => Ext.getCmp('b_edit_line_items_from_date').setValue('');) -- unknown-file:74998:7

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (syntax error => }, onBill_line_items_summary_timelines_saveClick2: function(button, e, eOpts) {) -- unknown-file:75004:1

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (syntax error => mr = Ext.getCmp('bill_line_items_summary_disbursements').getStore().getModifiedRecords();) -- unknown-file:75005:7

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (missing variable name => var package = new Array();) -- unknown-file:75006:14

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (identifier is a reserved word => package.push(mr[i].get('bill_tax_code_id') + '~' + mr[i].get('disbursement_type_id') + '~' + mr[i].get('line_item_non_tax_amount') + '~' + mr[i].get('premium') + '~' + mr[i].get('discount'));) -- unknown-file:75009:14

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (identifier is a reserved word => if (package.join() == '') ) -- unknown-file:75011:14

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (invalid return => return;) -- unknown-file:75014:11

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (syntax error => }) -- unknown-file:75015:3

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (syntax error => genericMask();) -- unknown-file:75016:15

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (identifier is a reserved word => Ext.Ajax.request({url: '/bill/adjust_disbursement_from_summary', params: {bill_fixed_id: Ext.getCmp('bill_line_items_summary').billFixedId, records: package.join()}, success: function(response) {) -- unknown-file:75017:159

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (syntax error => }, failure: genericFailedResponse});) -- unknown-file:75033:1

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (syntax error => }, onBill_line_items_summary_timelines_saveClick11: function(button, e, eOpts) {) -- unknown-file:75034:1

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (syntax error => mr = Ext.getCmp('bill_line_items_summary_disbursements').getStore().getModifiedRecords();) -- unknown-file:75035:7

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (missing variable name => var package = new Array();) -- unknown-file:75036:14

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (identifier is a reserved word => package.push(mr[i].get('bill_tax_code_id') + '~' + mr[i].get('disbursement_type_id') + '~' + mr[i].get('line_item_non_tax_amount') + '~' + mr[i].get('premium') + '~' + mr[i].get('discount'));) -- unknown-file:75039:14

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (identifier is a reserved word => if (package.join() == '') ) -- unknown-file:75041:14

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (invalid return => return;) -- unknown-file:75044:11

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (syntax error => }) -- unknown-file:75045:3

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (syntax error => genericMask();) -- unknown-file:75046:15

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (identifier is a reserved word => Ext.Ajax.request({url: '/bill/adjust_disbursement_from_summary', params: {bill_fixed_id: Ext.getCmp('bill_line_items_summary').billFixedId, records: package.join()}, success: function(response) {) -- unknown-file:75047:159

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (syntax error => }, failure: genericFailedResponse});) -- unknown-file:75061:1

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (syntax error => }, init: function(billFixedId) {) -- unknown-file:75062:1

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (syntax error => this.billFixedId = billFixedId;) -- unknown-file:75063:8

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (syntax error => }, populate: function() {) -- unknown-file:75066:1

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (syntax error => Ext.getStore('bill_line_item_summary_timelines').removeAll();) -- unknown-file:75067:7

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (syntax error => }}, 0, 0, ["panel", "window", "component", "container", "box"], {"panel": true, "window": true, "component": true, "container": true, "box": true}, 0, 0, [LegalFirst.view, 'bill_line_items_summary'], 0));) -- unknown-file:75087:1

[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (Compilation produced 47 syntax errors. => null) -- unknown-file:2



[ERR] com.sencha.exceptions.ExBuild: Failed to compress input

[ERR] at

[ERR] .YuiJavascriptCompressor$2.invoke(


[ERR] Total time: 20 seconds

[ERR] The following error occurred while executing this line:

C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF\.sencha\app\build-impl.xml:255: The following error occurred while executing this line:

C:\cygwin\legalfirst\websites\dev\development\public\arch3_save\LF\.sencha\app\js-impl.xml:53: com.sencha.exceptions.ExBuild: Failed to compress input

This app has successfully built/compiled/published for months now - the only change was the upgrade to 3.0.3. I've never seen the Yui errors in there before and am hoping that there's a config line somewhere which just needs to be removed.

I've got the app ready to post if needed.

In advance, thanks. And thanks for such a great product - this moment aside, it's performed flawlessly for us.


Ext.plugin.ListPagingView equivalent?

Is there anything in ExtJS similar to Sencha Touch List Plugin (Ext.plugin.ListPagingView)?

I know about infinite scroll, but that requires totalCount which is not required in Sencha and not available in the dataset I'm using.

PagingMemoryCombo: Paging Combo with local data

Hi All,

You might come across with requirement where you need to do Pagination on combo with local data.

This fiddle does this using

+ show paging info & change paging display msg

+ implementation of afterQuery fixes query filtering on local data

You can also achieve the same by extending your store with

I hope this sample might be useful to someone.:)

Overlay Issue with top of iOS App screen

I'm having an issue with my app (just published today). This was not happening a couple of weeks back but seems to have cropped up. However, with the latest bug in Architect regarding finding Xcode I can't simulate from inside Architect.

Here's what the screen looks like. The app is overlaying the top of the iOS device. I've got the main panel set to full screen but it's almost like CMD isn't calculating that screen offset or size correctly. Any ideas?





framework:Sencha Touch 2.3.x

Attached Images

Override LoadMask build failed


I need localise texts in spanish. My configuration is as follows

I have a 'Locale' folder with Spanish.js.








Ext.Loader.setConfig({ enabled: true,
paths: {

'Locale': './Locale'




requires: [




launch: function () {






Ext.define("Locale.Spanish", {
singleton: true,

load: function () {


if (Ext.LoadMask) {

Ext.define('Ext.LoadMask', {

override: 'Ext.LoadMask',

config: {

message: 'Cargando...'







The file .sencha/app/sencha.cfg was modified


In development mode everything works fine, but when i want build the application in native mode (android) the process does not end.

I run the command

sencha app build native

the last task that runs when I run the process in debug mode is

[DBG] Adding dynamic requirement on Ext.LoadMask to Spanish.js as a GenericAutoDependency

For other components this problem does not occur, eg, i can localise texts of Ext.DataView

if (Ext.DataView) {
Ext.define('Ext.DataView', {

override: 'Ext.DataView',

config: {

loadingText: 'Cargando...'




the construction process ends smoothly.


PagingMemoryCombo: Pagination Combo with local data

Hi All,

You might come across with requirement where you need to do Pagination on local data in combo.

This fiddle does this using

+ show paging info & change paging display msg

+ implementation of afterQuery fixes query filtering on local data

You can also achieve the same by extending your store with

I hope this sample might be useful to someone.:)

Best place to put the event listeners (Controller or View)


I am new to EXTjs and I have a doubt regarding the placing of the event listener

So, If I have two different panels in my application and each have two buttons.

Should I define my my event listeners for the two buttons and their subsequent actions in the controller


Should I be placing the listeners in the individual view itself?

Ext is not defined after build


Architect v.

I am having an issue with build, both test and production: Ext is not defined. I've looked at other related posts; Cache Bust is set to off in Preferences > Behavior > Preview Options, which is the only place I can find a related setting. I've verified that I only have the latest version of cmd installed (installed with Architect).

Additionally, interface preference settings don't seem to be maintained - I keep changing the theme, and the next time I come into the app, it's been set back.

Any help would be appreciated.



How do I create a symbol from an existing animation?

I already have an animation set up, and I'd like to convert to a symbol. I try to select all of the objects, but the create symbol button is greyed out in the Symbols panel. The only time it is not greyed out is when I select only one object.

I'm trying to do this, found in the help docs:


Symbols are especially useful in many situations and below are some examples where symbols can be employed for great effectiveness.

Copying a complex animation to another project: save the animated part as a symbol, export, and import in the other project.


grid sort on group by column ?

Is there any config property to force a Grid/Store (remoteSort: true, remoteGroup: false) to force a remoteSort when user groups by any grid column ?


Hiding Buttons for Print Not Working in Firefox

I'd like to start off by saying that I'm pretty new to working with Ext.js. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I'm having issues hiding buttons for a printable version of my page. I think the problem lies with the "setVisibilityMode" option which I've been toying around with, but have had no luck as of yet getting to work. At any rate, I'm trying to remove a series of buttons at the top of the page by changing their visible states. It works in all other browsers, but not Firefox.

Well initially it doesn't, but when the page is reloaded the styles are stripped out and it works fine. The print buttons pops up a box in an iframe in a zindex that floats over the page. This is what I suspect is throwing things off. Any ideas ext people?

Itemclick bug on grouped grids

I have a large grouped grid (collapsed).

In development everything works fine. But after i "compile" the code with Architect into a single app.js file the grid behaves strange.

The onclick event starts to return a wrong "record".

For example:

I expand a group and click on item and expect the "record" A .

But the itemclick returns the record X.

I can click multiple times and the returned record for this item is allways X.

EXCEPT when i expand the group where this item is for real. After that the expected record A is returned and everything starts to work as in development.

I think that this has been discussed in the past. Whats strange is that this bug happens only in "production".

How to load data from cross-domain server into store using proxy extjs4

Hi guys, i am stuck with this problem, so if you could help me?


No one answered me yet.

Getting warning "(Trailing comma is not legal in an ECMA-262 object initializer => "

I am getting warnings

(Trailing comma is not legal in an ECMA-262 object initializer =>

when I do a build of my project using sencha touch 2.3. The content (app folder) of my project is copy pasted from a project which I created using Sencha touch 2.0. When I run the index.html file , it is running fine in desktop browser, but when I try to take a build, this warning is coming, and the app.js is not changed. I searched in net and found removing the comma's which are unnecessary will solve the warning, but I have lot of js files and doing that for each file is a huge task. Also, this warning dint came when I build the project using 2.0. Is this check something new which has been added in sencha touch 2.3.1 or I am missing something here, please suggest.


Possible selectfield ui values

I googled for the ui values possible for select boxes. I have a list of buttonswith ui:'action.round', and I want the select box to look similar. As of now, it is looking displaced.

I tried ui:'action-round' and ui:'select-round', but none made a round selectbox.

Which are the possible values I have, and which one will make my boxes have round corners?

Switch between views


I'm using 6 buttons as icons on my home screen, I want to switch between 6 views on button tap.

Please suggest me the handler or controller code to switch between views.

sencha generate app failing from INSIDE SDK FOLDER

I issued this command:

sencha generate app LaBucaDiSanMatteo c:\xampp\htdocs\LaBucaDiSanMatteo

from inside SDK folder (c:\touch-2.3.1).

I got:

[INF] Workspace does not have framework null at C:\xampp\htdocs\LaBucaDiSanMatteo ... copying

[ERR] Failed to determine framework name. Please ensure this command was issued from either a framework or application directory

I'm using Sencha Cmd v4.0.2.67

How to add Image inside a Panel in Carousel

I am trying to add an Image to a panel inside a Carousal. The first screen of Carousel contains an Image, a Fieldset and a Button. The second screen contains a Fieldset.

The image in the first screen is not displayed.

Thanks in Advance :)

Attached Files

Sencha Touch Grid-Printer

I wrote a plugin to print grids from a Sencha Touch application, take a look at the post here:

How to retrieve the right Index


on saving a model instance to my backend, I want to read the proper Index.


var s1 = record[0].save();




But what I get is Zero, although in the logs before I see the correct Index value

(pls see pics. which are snapshots from chrome debugger F12))


Attachment 48492


Attachment 48493

log( = 0 !! :-/

Any hints?


Attached Images

Known issue in 4.1.1 with sorting buffered grids?

I have a pretty big grid that's displaying some annoying behaviour. When I use a buffered store, attmpeting to sort by any of the columns in the grid causes the loading mask to display and not go away. The sort also fails to occur. As soon as I turn the buffered config off on the store, the sort works fine.

Is there a known issue with this in 4.1.1? If so, what version is the fix in and is there a workaround we can use until it's practical to upgrade?

Apologies for not posting code yet but this grid is pretty huge with a lot of functionality and it will take me a while to come up with a cut down test version.

Stateful buttons in ST

Our extjs project uses stateful buttons. I wanted to introduce similar in touch, but I didn't find sth about statefulness in the docs. All I found is related to Touch 1.1, which had Ext.util.Stateful . Now how would I do stateful buttons in Sencha Touch?

How to not hide menu when touching outside the menu?


how can I change the "hide" behaviour of a menu, configured with cover=true.

I have to hide it only when pressing a button, not when touching somewhere else outside the menu.

Thanks for any suggestion,


sencha-touch-all-debug.js and sencha-touch-all.js crashed in Sencha Touch 2.3.1a

I try to use Sencha Touch 2.3.1a to develop Mobile App. First write a very simple program to test. To my surprise, the lib in Sencha Touch seems very unstable. The sencha-touch-all-debug.js and sencha-touch-all.js can't pass the simple test. I use firebug to find out that they can't decode the json string sent from server. I have uploaded a picture which is in the attachment showing the bug. Also i have attached all codes in a zip file. The test project in the zip can be opened by Visual Studio 2010. There is index.htm which works fine with sencha-touch-debug.js. But the touch-all.htm and touch-all-debug.htm crashed because of sencha-touch-all-debug.js and sencha-touch-all.js. Can you provide sencha-touch-all-debug.js that can work? Thanks.

Attached Images

Attached Files

dimanche 30 mars 2014

Customizing Charts

How to customize a chart ,so that i can get a pyramid shape (triangle shape) in place of Bars. Which class i should extend or customize and the way to get that .

Thanks in advance.....

Native SQLite + ST2 + PhoneGap.


Could someone post an example of connection with ST2 and native SQLite using PhoneGap?

I searched a lot on the internet and have'nt found any examples that could be used as a reference.

What I am seeking is a complete working example of setting the store and proxy using PhoneGap. There are many forums with many users with the same question, but no one has posted a real and complete example. Please do not post examples using websql, just Native SQLite.


Errors when compiling SASS file.

Hello, I am following a tutorial on sencha touch, and I can't seem to be able to pass a themeing lesson, because I always get some weird errors.

First of all, when running compass compile in the



path, I would get:


Errno::EACCES on line ["897"] of C: Permission denied

I found that it was because of some error in the latest version of compass, so I downgraded it to previous version, but then I get errors of missing fonts. So I copy fonts from touch/resources directory, but then I get yet another error:


error app.scss (Line 2 of _Class.scss: Undefined variable: "$font-family".)

Sass::SyntaxError on line ["2"] of C: Undefined variable: "$font-family".

Could someone help me fix the errors? I have been failing for this whole Sunday, and I'm losing hope here...

Keep typed text and (ideally) results in a combobox when blur


I have a combobox and I want it keeps typed text when blurring.

Ideally, I would also like the boundlist just hide and show when it recover focus.

Thank you for your help.

How to create a list (xtype:list) of albums with pictures which scrollable horizontal

Hi All,

I been looking for answer on internet to no avail.

anyway i am looking for something similar to 00:52 of fastbook video on youtube.

Either that or something like a list of albums with carousel of few pictures.

Thanks a lot

Grid momentum scrolling not working in Safari/Chrome


The momentum scrolling doesn't work in Chrome/Safari. The scrolling just stops abruptly after showing ~50 rows, in both directions (up and down).

I can reproduce the problem with the infinite scroll grid example. And I can reproduce it locally too: with a buffered Store and a grid, playing with 'leadingBufferZone' and 'pageSize' doesn't fix it.

In Firefox, however, it does the scrolling smoothly, with momentum and without any interruption. So I assume it's a webkit bug only.

You can reproduce it with the infinite-scroll example:

MacOS 10.9.2

Chrome 33.0.1750.152

Safari 7.0.2

trying to create a dropdown menu on a titlebar [newbie]


I am a sencha newbie and I am trying to add a drop down menu to a titlebar. I have inherited this code, so my options are alittle limited.

This is the code i am trying to add a dropdown menu to: ( i have removed some of it to make it less verbose , so i may be not be completely correct.

i am trying to ad a dropdown menu to xtype: 'titlebar'.

IS this possible and if someone could point me to an example it would be greatly appreciated


Ext.define('MyPatients.view.Messages', {

extend: 'Ext.Container',

requires: [




xtype: 'messages',

config: {

layout: 'card',

items: [{

xtype: 'tabpanel',

activeTab: 0,

layout: {

animation: {

type: 'slide',

duration: 250



tabBar: {

layout: {

pack : 'center',

align: 'center'


docked: 'top'


}, {

xtype: 'titlebar',

docked: 'top',

title: '<div id="messagesTitle">Inbox</div>',

items: [{

id: 'messagesBackBtn',

text: 'Back',

ui: 'back',

align: 'left',

hidden: true

}, {

iconCls: 'compose',

iconMask: true,

align: 'right'

}, {

id: 'messageSendBtn',

text: 'Send',

align: 'right',

hidden: true

}, {

id: 'documentCancelBtn',

text: 'Cancel',

align: 'left',

hidden: true




clearTitle: function () {'messagesTitle').setHtml('&nbsp;');


setTitle: function (title) {'messagesTitle').setHtml(title);



Can you trust the internet?

question arose. I do not like that on the Internet everything is publicly available. How can information be protected?

Is it possible to create a list of carousel?

Hi All,

I been searching for the answer but not able to find it.

Is it possible for me to create a list of carousel?

such as list of albums and each album will have a carousel of few picture.

Announcing Ahomé-Desk : HTML5 platform powered by Sencha frameworks

Hello Folks,

Today I m really excited to share with you something that we ve been working on and that we will publish soon. We call it Ahomé-Desk.

Goal of this project is to simplify and unify the way we interact with the cloud.

It s basically 3 things.

1) A central place where users can log in and get access to bunch(we hope millions and millions ) of web apps in a simple, familiar yet powerful interface across devices and platforms(Thx Sencha)

2) A place where 3rd parties can deploy and motenize their web apps. Ultimate goal is to create the first ever true cross browser cross device store of web apps.

3) A reusable component that 3 parties can host on their own server. And provide a beautiful UI for existing platform (For example intranet )

And this is only the beginning. We see a lot of potential in terms of collaboration and social networking through the Ahomé-Desk

Of course we cant build everything ourself.

We will provide a SDK that will allow you to use your existing Ext JS and Sencha Touch app/skill to write apps t for the Desk.

The Desk itself is of course powered by Ext JS and Sencha Touch.

We are sharing today to get feedback from the community about how you would use something like this and what do you think should be there.

We will share a real world demo soon.

But for now you can follow us here :

and here :

and of course on this thread.

Please let the feedback come :)



Attachment 48486

Attached Images

editor timefield submit value problem

Hi Everyone

have a problem with subitted value from timefield in grid.

format is set to 'H:i' but returned value to the server and to renderer look like :

Tue Jan 01 2008 05:00:00 GMT+0100 (Central Europe Standard Time)

is that normal behavior ?

have column in grid:


xtype: 'gridcolumn',

renderer: function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store, view) {

console.log(value); //for checking displayed value


return value;


width: 68,

dataIndex: 'time',

text: 'Hour',

editor: {

xtype: 'timefield',

width: 100,

fieldLabel: 'Label',

hideLabel: true,

editable: false,

format: 'H:i',

increment: 30,

submitFormat: 'H:i'


on cellEditing have:

onCellEditingEdit: function(editor, e, eOpts) {



url : 'app/data/update.php' ,

params : { id:id,field:e.field,value:e.value },

method: 'GET',

success: function ( result, request ) {

var res=Ext.JSON.decode(result.responseText);

} });}

Best Regards


samedi 29 mars 2014

EXTJS 3.4 Facing problem with enable/disable button having validations on text fields

In our application we are using Extjs 3.4. On a button click, one window is getting opened. In that window one form panel is there. In form panel there are some fields and buttons as shown in below screen-shot.

Attachment 48484

Our requirement is, after filling every mandatory field (in our case Data Source Name, Primary Hostname/IP Address and Port are mandatory fields) with valid values, submit button should be enabled.

This is working fine with IE8, IE9. However in IE10 and IE11, submit button is not getting enabled even after all the mandatory fields being filled with valid data. Please find below screenshot.

Attachment 48485

For validation of mandatory fields we used monitorValid and allowBlank properties. Please refer below code we are using to create form panel and various fields on top of that.

Code :

FormPanel: In the formpanel we have set the property monitorValid to true.

formpanel1 = new Ext.FormPanel(


labelAlign : 'left',

frame : true,

autoScroll : true,


bodyStyle : 'padding:5px 5px 0',

region : 'north',

FormPanel Items: For all the mandatory items we have set allowBlank to false.

items : [ {

layout : 'form',

id : 'formLayout',

labelWidth : 200,

labelAlign : 'left',

items : [

{layout : 'hbox',

defaults : {

flex : 1,

border : false,

hideLabel : false


items : [{

layout : 'form',

border : false,

items : {

id : 'datasrcName',

xtype : 'textfield',

width : 140, ,

fieldLabel : '<fmt:messagekey="realtime.stats.datasourcestat.datasourceName"/>'


Button: For the submit button, formBind property is set to True.

buttons : [ {id : 'addDataSource',


text : parent.i18nsubmit



id : 'cancelDatasource',

text : parent.i18cancel

} ]

Attached Images

Checkbox value in form submitted as true/false instead of 1/0


I have a form that includes a checkbox field and on form submit, I want the checkbox value as 1 or 0.

The jsonSubmit is enabled for the form.

The checkbox value is submitted as true or false instead of 1 or 0.

I have specified the inputValue and uncheckedValue for the form.

The value is submitted as 1 or 0 when jsonSubmit is disabled.

How to solve this problem.

Please help.


Grid Picker : Big Data Combo + Search Combo

Hi All,

This component is re-implementation Rixo's grid picker for ExtJS 4.2.1 with no layout issues & some added functionality. It extends ComboBox and replaces 'boundlist' with 'grid' picker.

As we know, Grid is a much more enhanced component, So you can use those features into you combo selection box.

Some common usages could be:

  1. Show huge data for combo selection, as grid can be made buffered render.

  2. With grid you can have multiple columns, to show more details on combo options.

+ or any other grid features(grouping, filtering), toolbar, pagination etc can be added to you combo selection box.

Github :

Grid Picker[4.2.1] Examples:

Your suggestions/improvements are all welcome :)

how to filter by "hasmany"?

I everybody and thank you in advance for your help, I have a model, very easy, I created the first "hasmany" and it perfectly works so now my "user" (primary model) has many "addresses" with "city", "post code" and others values.. now I need to filter users by "post code"... how to do that?? (:|

Sass folder of included package does not include applicaiton build

Hi All,

Today i have played with Sencha package.

I have generated code package. And added as required in my project.

The js source files are mapped properly in bootstrap.js and the component in the package work perfectly.

But i have written few sass files in the sass folder. Which are not included into the project.

Not even after running build command in the project directory..

Am i missing any thing.


Phani Kiran Guttha

How to avoid extjs code merging/concatinating into the mified app.js

Hi All,

I want to build a sencha extjs project with sencha cmd like this.

The js compilation should happen

should concat and minify my application code. should not include extjs source.

The reason is , I want to have my application minifed code and extjs code seperate.

The option i found is compile the js resource independently with sencha compile, concat and minify

But with this i have to loose theme and my project specific sass code compilation ..

Can any body throw some light on this..

Thanks in Advance,

Phani Kiran Guttha

TreeStore datachanged is not fired when data is changed

Ext version tested:

  • Ext rev ____

Browser versions tested against:

  • FF

DOCTYPE tested against:

  • HTML 5


  • Attaching a listener to a tree store for the datachanged event does not result in the handler being called when data is changed.

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  • Create a tree with a tree store, attach a handler to the 'datachanged' event, edit the tree.

The result that was expected:

  • The handler being called

The result that occurs instead:

  • Handler isn't called, see fiddle below:

Only 3 dots are coming not whole TITLE. Text-overflow problem? (Screenshot attached)


I am creating new application for all major mobile devices. But i am getting this weird issue with text that while using it on some ANDROID phone currently specifically SAMSUNG S3 I am only getting 3 dots not whole title text.

I am using text-overflow:ellipsis, overflow:hidden on this.

On other devices like iphone, windows phone etc this is working fine please see below screenshot.

Please refer to the second attached shot in which you can see only 3 dots.

Attachment 48481

This is how it looks on Samsung s3. Only 3 dots are displaying.

Attachment 48480

My code:


xtype: 'titlebar',

docked: 'top',


id: 'overlayTitle',

title: title


Attached Images

vendredi 28 mars 2014

Version of Cmd for Sencha Touch

I need to create an app using Sencha Touch I have Sencha Cmd 4.0.2 installed on Mavericks. When I try to generate an app, I get the following error:

[ERR] Unable to locate 'framework.dir' property from sencha.cfg

I'm running the command from within the directory for Sencha Touch If I generate an app using Sencha Touch 2.1.1 or later, it generates and app without problem.

Do I need to use an earlier version of Sencha Cmd? If so, which version will work for this?

How do you select and move multiple objects?

I have already set up an animation, centered on my stage. It's a pretty simple animation:

Basically I want to shrink the canvas size (while keeping the animation size intact) so that the origin is in the center. That way, even after resizing the canvas, the animation still stays centered. This doesn't seem possible in Sencha, so I will decrease the width of the canvas and then move the animation to the left so that it's still centered.

I was not able to move the objects after selecting all of them. Nothing happens when I click and drag or when I hit the left and right arrows. I want to edit the "base object" styles — I'm not trying to create a keyframe or anything.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Ext.Date.format() only prints locale strings?

I have Date objects that were set using a UTC time and I want to recover that time when formatting them using Ext.Date.format(). A very simple example demonstrates that Ext.Date.format() will print a locale string.


var d = new Date('1998-04-15T20:00:00.0000Z');


// "Wed, 15 Apr 1998 20:00:00 GMT"

Ext.Date.format(d, 'H:i')

// "16:00"

Ext.Date.format(Ext.Date.parse('1998-04-15T20:00:00.0000Z', 'c'), 'H:i')

// "16:00"

I need my time string formatted a certain way, and Ext.Date.format() is extremely helpful in that regard. However, I need it to format the date as a UTC string, not a locale string. Relative to the above example, I need a way to output the string "20:00" instead of the string "16:00".

Is this not supported? I will just have to concatenate the outputs from d.getUTCHours() and so forth?

ExtJs 4.2.1 Grid Picker + Grid Picker as Searching Combo

Hi All,

I have tried to reimplement Rixo's grid picker for 4.2.1

To remove layout issues & To add few more functionalities.

For details please go to the below link.

Your suggestions/improvements are all welcome :)

Howto Override / Change the constructor signature in SA

Hi guys,

how can I modify the constructor of a class in SA?

If I add a class to a model the constructor is parameterless and I cannot change it. If I add a custom class and add a constructor field, I get an exception. I have resorted to overriding the class (Generate Override) and modified the constuctor here.

That is what my class looks like:

Ext.define('MyApp.model.Client', {

extend: '',

alias: 'model.client',

requires: [




fields: [


name: 'firstName'



name: 'lastName'



constructor: function() {

var me = this;




processClient: function(config) {

console.log('client created');



And my overridden class is defined as:

Ext.define('MyApp.model.override.Client', {

override: 'MyApp.model.Client',

constructor: function(args) {

Ext.apply(this, args);



So this allows me to do:

var myClient = Ext.create('MyApp.model.Client', {

lastName: 'Mayer',

firstName: 'Ute'


Is that the way to go?


File upload in ajax does not grab iframe document (Sencha Touch 2.3.1)

In onUploadComplete in Connection.js line 482, it has:


doc = frame.contentWindow || frame.contentWindow.document || frame.contentDocument || window.frames[id].document;

This will grab the window, not the document sometimes.This causes responseText to not get set correctly, and the iframe won't get removed if you try to decode the responseText.

If you change it to:


doc = (frame.contentWindow && frame.contentWindow.document) || frame.contentDocument || window.frames[id].document;

it fixes the issue.

How to build iOS app for As-hoc distribution or submission to App Store?


I've followed this guide with great success: I can run a newly generated application in the iOS simulator. But now I want to build a version for Ad-hoc distribution. I have everything I need from Apple (certificate, provisioning profile) but how do I tell PhoneGap to use those?

I can't find anything about this in the Sencha Touch documentation - it only mentions running the app in the simulator.

I do not want to use PhoneGap Build.

Porting ST2 app to Windows 8

Hello all,

I have an ST2 app which works wonderfully in Chrome/Desktop, iOS & Android and I am now trying to port it to Windows 8.1 to turn into a native "metro" app. FWIW, the app also runs fine in IE 10/11.

I had to do a few minor modifications to get it to "sort of" running in Win8.1/Visual Studio 2013. The app works but there are severe rendering issue:

- A lot of the CSS doesn't seem to be honoured, even tho I know 100% it is at least being loaded. For example, button colors, icons like home, settings, info simply don't show up, just the label.

- I am using a nested list and it doesn't paint itself until I do a quick scroll flick...

- A part of the UI which is normally docked to the bottom is being rendered "off screen" - when I navigate the DOM I can see they are there but are below the viewport.

My questions are as follows:

- as anyone attempted such a port ? Success/failure/tips ?

- where would I start looking to resolve the CSS issues ?

- any idea why some chunks of the UI would be rendered outside the viewport ?

I am not getting any errors in the VS javascript console...

Again, the puzzling thing is that the app otherwise work flawlessly in IE11 on the desktop.


List scroll bug in IE10 (sencha fiddle sample provided)

The wanted behaviour is to have two columns of items.

This simple "hack" works in firefox and chrome. It does not work in IE10 where scrolling is broken - as if IE had some heights mixed up or something. This bug persist in all sencha touch versions.

ToggleButton does not have centered text

In 3.1.0-beta ToggleButtons no longer have centered text if the button also contains an icon. The text needs to be centered on the button not left aligned, and have consistent behavior with and without an icon.

Problem with the "alert" box.


We are using Sencha Architect 3 and ExtJS 4.2.x.

I have 2 projects in my machine.

In one project following code for 'alert' is working.


Ext.Msg.alert('Status', 'Changes saved successfully.');

But the same code giving the following error in another project.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'alert' of undefined

Please help.



deviceType is returning Desktop when run on a Tablet

Hello everybody

I´m developing an app on Sencha Touch 2.3.1, and i have the need to check if the device in which the app is running is a tablet or not.

The problem that i have is that i'm using Ext.os.deviceType to check for it and when i run it on the tablet it returns Desktop.


console.log(Ext.os.deviceType); // = Desktop

I guess that the problem could rely on one of two things:

  1. That the tablet i'm running the app on is a Lenovo with Windows 8.1 32 bits x86 based processor. It is not Windows Phone or another version of Windows 8 for tablets, nope, it's Windows 8.1 for desktops, that's how it came from the factory.

  2. I'm building the .exe file with node-webkit, because when i use the services to build the windows app it creates a .xap file and i can't run it on the tablet.

I can't test the browser or the OS because the app may be run from the web too, but there's some functionality that has to be run only on the tablet.

Does anyone of you have any idea how can i do this?

PS: The tablet has Internet Explorer 11.0.9600.16521 installed.


I have a problem with Ext.carousel.Carousel.removeAt()

If I want to remove the first card, I do this.down('carousel').removeAt(0). Sometimes the first card is removed, sometimes it is still there.

If I want to remove the second card, I would do this.down('carousel').removeAt(1). Sometimes the second card is removed, but sometimes the first card is removed.

Any ideas as to why?

DIV element not loading in closable tabs

I have created closable tabs within viewport. Each tab has a panel within it, and am trying to load a div element using contentEl.

The div app element has child elements and also associated with some other stand along JS app. Unfortunately, the div element is not rendered inside panel or inside tabpanel items when using 'contentEl' by providing the ID.

If I use 'html' then it loads correctly with simple text other than the div app element. But again not with the div app template if copy pasted as is for the html definition for the panel.

Misalignment of grid cells along with the last header cell


We have upgraded the GXT environment from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1. We are facing an issue of misalignment of grid cells along with the last header cell.

There is a mismatch between the last column and the rows. Rows ends before the last column and values are not getting displayed correctly.

This issue is observed on IE, Firefox and Safari browsers.

The misalignment gap increases with the increased number of columns and headers.

A sample code displaying the same is pasted below along with screen shots displaying the misalignment:


Attachment 48476



import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.List;




import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.grid.CellSelectionModel;

import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.grid.ColumnConfig;

import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.grid.ColumnModel;

import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.grid.Grid;

import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.grid.HeaderGroupConfig;



public class SampleGridWidget implements GridWidget


private Grid grid;

ArrayList<EmpPojo> emp = new ArrayList<EmpPojo>();

ListStore<EmpPojo> store = new ListStore<EmpPojo>();

public void onModuleLoad()


List<ColumnConfig> col = new ArrayList<ColumnConfig>();

emp.add( new EmpPojo(1, "Jill", 25, "10-Oct-1989","7702054533","" ) );

emp.add( new EmpPojo(2, "Deena", 35, "2-Nov-1980", "8954712566", "" ) );

ColumnConfig column = new ColumnConfig();

column.setId( "eID" );

column.setHeaderHtml( "Enrollment ID" );

column.setWidth( 100 );

col.add( column );

column = new ColumnConfig();

column.setId( "name" );


column.setWidth( 100 );

col.add( column );

column = new ColumnConfig();

column.setId( "age" );

column.setHeaderHtml( "Age" );

column.setWidth( 100 );

col.add( column );

column = new ColumnConfig();

column.setId( "DOB" );

column.setHeaderHtml( "DOB" );

column.setWidth( 100 );

col.add( column );

column = new ColumnConfig();

column.setId( "contact" );

column.setHeaderHtml( "Contact" );

column.setWidth( 100 );

col.add( column );

column = new ColumnConfig();

column.setId( "emailID" );

column.setHeaderHtml( "Email ID" );

column.setWidth( 100 );

col.add( column );

ColumnModel cm = new ColumnModel( col );


grid = new Grid<EmpPojo>(store, cm);



grid.setSelectionModel(new CellSelectionModel<ModelData>());

RootPanel.get().add(grid); }


public class EmpModel extends BaseModel implements Serializable{

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

public EmpModel(int i, String string, int j, String string2, String k, String string3) {

set( "eID", i );

set( "name", string );

set( "age", j );

set( "DOB", string2 );

set( "contact", k );

set( "emailID", string3 );



Is there a workaround for this bug?



Attached Images

Loading Ext Classes required in a User Extension (OData.js)


in order to connet to our MVC Web Api Controller Services using the OData Protocol, I implemented the User Extension : which for a GET Request seemed to work (returning valid json Data). I am using SA and have added the OData.js into the Resources folder.

My Rest proxy is thus defined as:

proxy: {

type: 'odata',

withCredentials: false,

username: 'mike',

password: 'pass',

url: 'https://.....',

reader: {

type: 'json'



The index.html which is auto-generated places the following reference:

<script src="resources/OData.js"></script>

When the OData.js is executed there is an override statement:


where is in this place undefined. It seems this code is executed before the Ext.Loader starts its work.

So my questions are:

Is this the way to use a custom extension (e.g. embed it in the resouce folder and use it )?

What must I do to avoid this error. How can I assure the required Ext classes are loaded for an external resource ?

"TypeError: is undefined,


Misalignment of grid cells along with the last header cell


We have upgraded the GXT environment from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1. We are facing an issue of misalignment of grid cells along with the last header cell.

There is a mismatch between the last column and the rows. Rows ends before the last column and values are not getting displayed correctly.

This issue is observed on IE, Firefox and Safari browsers.

The misalignment gap increases with the increased number of columns and headers.

A sample code displaying the same is pasted below along with screen shots displaying the misalignment:


Attachment 48475



import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.List;




import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.grid.CellSelectionModel;

import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.grid.ColumnConfig;

import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.grid.ColumnModel;

import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.grid.Grid;

import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.grid.HeaderGroupConfig;



public class SampleGridWidget implements GridWidget


private Grid grid;

ArrayList<EmpPojo> emp = new ArrayList<EmpPojo>();

ListStore<EmpPojo> store = new ListStore<EmpPojo>();

public void onModuleLoad()


List<ColumnConfig> col = new ArrayList<ColumnConfig>();

emp.add( new EmpPojo(1, "Jill", 25, "10-Oct-1989","7702054533","" ) );

emp.add( new EmpPojo(2, "Deena", 35, "2-Nov-1980", "8954712566", "" ) );

ColumnConfig column = new ColumnConfig();

column.setId( "eID" );

column.setHeaderHtml( "Enrollment ID" );

column.setWidth( 100 );

col.add( column );

column = new ColumnConfig();

column.setId( "name" );


column.setWidth( 100 );

col.add( column );

column = new ColumnConfig();

column.setId( "age" );

column.setHeaderHtml( "Age" );

column.setWidth( 100 );

col.add( column );

column = new ColumnConfig();

column.setId( "DOB" );

column.setHeaderHtml( "DOB" );

column.setWidth( 100 );

col.add( column );

column = new ColumnConfig();

column.setId( "contact" );

column.setHeaderHtml( "Contact" );

column.setWidth( 100 );

col.add( column );

column = new ColumnConfig();

column.setId( "emailID" );

column.setHeaderHtml( "Email ID" );

column.setWidth( 100 );

col.add( column );

ColumnModel cm = new ColumnModel( col );


grid = new Grid<EmpPojo>(store, cm);



grid.setSelectionModel(new CellSelectionModel<ModelData>());

RootPanel.get().add(grid); }


public class EmpModel extends BaseModel implements Serializable{

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

public EmpModel(int i, String string, int j, String string2, String k, String string3) {

set( "eID", i );

set( "name", string );

set( "age", j );

set( "DOB", string2 );

set( "contact", k );

set( "emailID", string3 );



Is there a workaround for this bug?



Attached Images

Sencha app build with production not reflecting changes on updating the app

Hi All,

I am making an app in Sencha Touch for which I use Phonegap for deployment to various platforms like Android, iOS, etc.

The issue is the app doesn't reflects the changes on update. I tried the following steps:

1) Create a production build from Sencha CMD (I am using Sencha Cmd v3.1.2.342)

2) Use this build to generate for e.g. an APK file via Phonegap,

3) Install the app on the device, which already has a previous version of the same installed.

4) Run the app, none of the changes to the code were reflected.

Tried the same with a package build and that worked fine on an update.

If I add some dummy Alerts in my index.html that shows up fine, but any Sencha file changes are not at all reflected.

And this issue happens when we update the app.

Read through the forum for any solution, found few similar articles which suggest that this issue may have been resolved, but I am still getting this issue. (

If you read through the last comments, some more people are also maybe facing a similar issue even on latest versions.

So can anyone please help me out here. I am really stuck on this, and since it happens only on an update, I am finding it very hard to debug the issue.

Performance issue with Sencha Touch 2.3

When we have used earlier version of Sencha Touch 2.0.0 the time taken to load the data is 6sec. The same application with only change in Sencha Touch version (2.3) took 1.3min.

Is this a known issue or can you please help us to identify what could be the problem.

Cupertino tabbar docked top display issue

Tested on 2.3.1, safari, chrome, etc.

Description: really simple one. If you have a tabbar docked to the top in 2.3.1 using the latest cupertino theme, the borders have double thickness between some of the tabs. In the fiddle linked to above, there's a double border between tab2 and tab3.

Steps to reproduce:

Result expected: single pixel border between each tab.

Occurs instead: double pixel border between some tabs.

Creating a custom component


I would like to create a custom component that displays a table element (and it's relevant rows, etc).

So far I have extended Ext.Container (since I would like my component to have all the features of a container). I would then like to include the table element tag to the main container.

I can do this through this.setHtml(tableHtmlString ...), but this feels wrong to me. I would like my table tag to be the main element (or immediate child element), since (1) it is the main component item and (2) this would reduce tag nesting within the component.

Is there a proper standard way to add a dom element as the main component tag (or immediate child of it).

I have also tried setting contentEl (to no effect). The component has a this.element tag, would it be best to append my table element to this tag and how would I append it in Sencha?\

In addition, what layout properties would I set on my container for the table element to take up the whole screen and allow for scrolling?



formParameter/Json data instead of queryString params


I am loading a store with params. It is being sent as queryString parameters by default.

Can I change it to Form Data or Json data.



params : {

id : '1',

name : 'Thinker'



Request URL


Web app from SSL, VPN and co.

I couldn't figure out myself so here it goes...

1. How Sencha Space VPN is supposed to work. What should a VPN server look like? What scenario is it suitable for?

2. I have an app at an https://... address. The server has a self signed certificate (for testin purposes). Is this app supposed to load? In sencha space on my device I get an "Webpage not available". But the page is there. Chrome asks if you want to proceed, etc. what about Sencha Space wrapper? Do I have to purchase a real certificate in order to proceed?

how to save downloaded files to external memory on android

Hi there,

I know it's more of phonegap related but hence there is no harm in trying.

Does anyone here know article/example/guide on how to save the downloaded file (using phonegap's to external storage on android ?

Most of article that i came accross said that "LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT,0 , .." will by default save your file to external storage (sd card) if the external storage exist otherwise it will write to the device internal storage.

I've tried to verify this and that is not actually happens as even thought my external storage is mounted and empty, phonegap still write all the files to device internal storage.


Sencha 2.3 js has performance issue

Hi team,

We are facing performance issue when sencha 2.3 js file used, it took 80 seconds to load the page.

Where as it took only 6 seconds when sencha 2.0.0 js used.

Please help me to understand if there is any known issue with 2.3?



Preferences of HTML5 App

What are the preference&options of html5 app available (Sencha)?

i.e., API Calls and data storage options

Build Fails. Unhelpful BasicException thrown

Hi, I've recently worked on an update to an existing sencha app. But for some reason or another it fails to build now. I've searched around for about 10 hours and I just can't get to the bottom of it. I've tried removing regexes, removing all new ajax requests, running parses over everything to find missing semicolons and the likes. But no luck.

Below is the output during the build process. There's no point in outputting a debug, because there are thousands upon thousands of lines there.


Building the site and native apps

Sencha Cmd v3.1.2.342


[INF] init-plugin:


[INF] cmd-root-plugin.init-properties:


[INF] init-properties:


[INF] init-sencha-command:


[INF] init:


[INF] app-build-impl:


[INF] -before-init-local:


[INF] -init-local:


[INF] -after-init-local:


[INF] init-local:


[INF] find-cmd:


[INF] -before-init:


[INF] -init:

[INF] Initializing Sencha Cmd ant environment

[INF] Adding antlib taskdef for com/sencha/command/compass/ant/antlib.xml

[INF] [x-load-properties] Loading optional properties file /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/.sencha/app/

[INF] [x-load-properties] Loading required properties file /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/.sencha/app/


[INF] -after-init:


[INF] -before-init-default:


[INF] -init-default:


[INF] -after-init-default:


[INF] init:


[INF] -before-build:


[INF] sass:


[INF] page:


[INF] -before-page:


[INF] -page:

[INF] building application

[INF] Deploying your application to /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/../envs/production

[INF] Copied /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/resources/js/jquery-1.7.1.js to /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/../envs/production/resources/js/jquery-1.7.1.js

[INF] Copied /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/resources/js/jquery.cookie.js to /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/../envs/production/resources/js/jquery.cookie.js

[INF] Copied /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/resources/js/jquery.dateformat.js to /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/../envs/production/resources/js/jquery.dateformat.js

[INF] Copied /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/resources/js/pubsub.js to /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/../envs/production/resources/js/pubsub.js

[INF] Copied /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/resources/js/delegator.js to /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/../envs/production/resources/js/delegator.js

[INF] Copied /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/resources/js/main.js to /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/../envs/production/resources/js/main.js

[INF] Copied /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/resources/js/fpr.js to /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/../envs/production/resources/js/fpr.js

[INF] Copied /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/app.js to /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/../envs/production/app.js

[INF] Copied /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/resources/js/add2home.js to /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/../envs/production/resources/js/add2home.js

[INF] Copied /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/resources/css/app.css to /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/../envs/production/resources/css/app.css

[INF] Copied /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/resources/css/add2home.css to /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/../envs/production/resources/css/add2home.css

[INF] Copied /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/index.php

[INF] Copied /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/resources/icons

[INF] Copied /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/resources/startup

[INF] Copied /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/resources/fonts

[INF] Copied /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/resources/templates

[INF] Resolving your application dependencies (file:////Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/index.html)

[INF] Compiling app.js and dependencies

[INF] Loading classpath entry /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/touch/src

[INF] Loading classpath entry /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/app.js

[INF] Loading classpath entry /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/app

[INF] Loading classpath entry /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/overides.js

[ERR] The following error occurred while executing this line:

/Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/.sencha/app/build-impl.xml:173: The following error occurred while executing this line:

/Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/.sencha/app/build-impl.xml:166: com.sencha.exceptions.ExScript: Wrapped com.sencha.exceptions.BasicException (x-app-build#290)

runAppBuild (x-app-build:290)

[anonymous] (x-app-build:566)

x_app_build (x-app-build:564)

<script> (anonymous:1)

rm: ../envs/package/index.php: No such file or directory


I've tried updating the framework to but got a different response.


Building the site and native apps

Sencha Cmd v4.0.2.67


[INF] init-plugin:


[INF] cmd-root-plugin.init-properties:


[INF] init-properties:


[INF] init-sencha-command:


[INF] init:


[INF] app-build-impl:


[INF] -before-init-local:


[INF] -init-local:


[INF] -after-init-local:


[INF] init-local:


[INF] find-cmd-in-path:


[INF] find-cmd-in-environment:


[INF] find-cmd-in-shell:


[INF] init-cmd:

[INF] [echo] Using Sencha Cmd from /Users/blaketaylor/bin/Sencha/Cmd/ for /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/build.xml


[INF] -before-init:


[INF] -init:

[INF] Initializing Sencha Cmd ant environment

[INF] Adding antlib taskdef for com/sencha/command/compass/ant/antlib.xml


[INF] -after-init:


[INF] -before-init-defaults:


[INF] -init-defaults:


[INF] -after-init-defaults:


[INF] -init-compiler:


[INF] init:


[INF] -before-build:


[INF] refresh:


[INF] -before-refresh:


[INF] -init:


[INF] -init-compiler:


[INF] -detect-app-build-properties:

[INF] Loading app json manifest...

[INF] Loading classpath entry /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/touch/src

[INF] Loading classpath entry /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/app.js

[INF] Loading classpath entry /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/app

[INF] Loading classpath entry /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/overides.js

[INF] Loading classpath entry /Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/envs/temp/production/Ladbrokes/sencha-compiler/app



[ERR] com.sencha.exceptions.BasicException

[ERR] at


[ERR] at c


[ERR] at

[ERR] st.AstTranslator.visit(

[ERR] at org.mozilla.javascript.ast.ExpressionStatement.visit(ExpressionStatement.j

[ERR] ava:120)

[ERR] at com.senc


[ERR] at com.senc


[ERR] at

[ERR] eVisitor.visit(

[ERR] at

[ERR] :513)

[ERR] at

[ERR] java:211)

[ERR] at

[ERR] va:128)

[ERR] at



[ERR] Total time: 5 seconds

[ERR] The following error occurred while executing this line:

/Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/.sencha/app/build-impl.xml:366: The following error occurred while executing this line:

/Library/WebServer/Documents/LeapfrogMobile3/build/.sencha/app/js-impl.xml:11: com.sencha.exceptions.BasicException

rm: ../envs/package/index.php: No such file or directory


Any help is greatly appreciated :)