jeudi 27 mars 2014

Deploy Ext 4.2.x MVC project as Single js file

We have a Ext JS 4 MVC project, and now required to deploy it as a single JS file. The structure contains various Controllers, Models, Stores and Views

Each file define the component inside the file. for eg;

Ext.define('', {

extend: '',

storeId: 'Patients',

loadMask: true,

async : false,

autoDestroy: true,

model: 'ExtMVC.model.Patient'


Is saved in a file inside the folder structure 'js/pc/app/store/Patients.js'

I have created a single file called pc_all.js, which contains the content of all the files in the project.

However, when I try to execute this file its try to load data from the actual folder, eg: try to load Patients.js store from 'js/pc/app/store/Patients.js' which doesn't exist any longer.

How can I merge my MVC project into a single file?

Thanks in advance.

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