vendredi 28 mars 2014

Howto Override / Change the constructor signature in SA

Hi guys,

how can I modify the constructor of a class in SA?

If I add a class to a model the constructor is parameterless and I cannot change it. If I add a custom class and add a constructor field, I get an exception. I have resorted to overriding the class (Generate Override) and modified the constuctor here.

That is what my class looks like:

Ext.define('MyApp.model.Client', {

extend: '',

alias: 'model.client',

requires: [




fields: [


name: 'firstName'



name: 'lastName'



constructor: function() {

var me = this;




processClient: function(config) {

console.log('client created');



And my overridden class is defined as:

Ext.define('MyApp.model.override.Client', {

override: 'MyApp.model.Client',

constructor: function(args) {

Ext.apply(this, args);



So this allows me to do:

var myClient = Ext.create('MyApp.model.Client', {

lastName: 'Mayer',

firstName: 'Ute'


Is that the way to go?


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