vendredi 17 avril 2015

Fashion - @import partials not working correctly...

I'm using partial scss files.

In sass/etc/all.scss I've added the following:

@import "stuff/MyStuff";

In sass/etc/stuff/ I have the file _MyStuff.scss

When I run sencha app build testing I get the following error from Fashion:

successfully loaded page http://localhost:1841/sass/example/f...phantomjs=true

loading phantomjs adapter

processing update type : BuildSassFile

failed to download path : http://localhost:1841/sass/etc/stuff/MyStuff.scss

I can rename the file from _MyStuff.scss, but then it's no longer a partial and it's not imported into my .css output.

Sass reference:

Fashion - @import partials not working correctly...

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