dimanche 22 juin 2014

How to use tpl with displafield in Ext JS 4.2


I want to use a displayfield to show attachments as links via tpl setting, but don't know how.

This is the fields section of my model, the 'attachments' field would be an array:


fields: [
{ name: 'attachments', type: 'auto' }

and this is the displayfield configration I've been using to test tpl, but I get nothing displayed:


name: 'attachments',
fieldLabel: 'Attachments',
tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
'<tpl foreach=".">',
'<p>id: {id}</p>',

and this is one of the 'attachments' field data

Thanks for your help, any suggestion will be welcome and appreciated.

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