jeudi 26 juin 2014

Grid problem


I have created a very simple project that displays a few hundred records in a grid.

The problem is that the grid doesn't seem to display correctly. As shown in image below, the grid does not use all available space.


If I sort one column by clicking on the column header all available space is used but I suddenly have two scrollbars??? See image below


What is happening here? Please help me on this. I have been very impressed with what I've seen of Ext JS so far, but that this simple example fails makes me a little bit scared about the quality of the widgets. Hopefully it is me that does something wrong. My view file looks like this:


Ext.define('testApp.view.main.Main', {

extend: 'Ext.container.Container',
xtype: 'app-main',

items: [{
xtype: 'grid',
store : 'Objects',

columns : [{
text : 'Column1',
dataIndex : 'Column1'
text : 'Column2',
dataIndex : 'Column2'
text : 'Column3',
dataIndex : 'Column3'


And by the way I have tried to runn sencha app build and sencha app refresh but it does not help.

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