lundi 23 juin 2014

ext js 2.3 notifyDrop (delete record) working in IE6 browser only not in IE8,chrome


The application had implemented in ext JS 2.3 version, here one of the functionality remove the items to recyclebin [source code was given on bleow], this functionality is working in IE6 browser only, after then IE8 ,chrome and mozilla browsers it's not working. we were able to deleting only 6 items, more than 6items it was not able to deleting.

The same functionality which it's worked in IE6,How could we make it work in chrome and mozilla also. Could you please suggest regarding the issue.

source code:

var dd = new Ext.dd.DropTarget(this.dropTarget, {

ddGroup : 'contentItemDragDropGroup',

notifyDrop: function( source, e, data ) {

var dropRec = (data.selections && data.selections[0] ? data.selections[0] : null);

data.grid.removeItemAt( data.rowIndex, data.colIndex );


return true;



notifyDrop: function( source, e, data ) {

var dropRec = (data.selections && data.selections[0] ? data.selections[0] : null);

if(dropRec.fromSelectionGrid && this.grid.recordExists(dropRec))

return false;

var col = this.grid.getView().findCellIndex( );


return false;

var row = this.grid.getView().findRowIndex( );

/* if(!Ext.isEmpty(data.rowIndex) && !Ext.isEmpty(data.colIndex))

data.grid.removeItemAt( data.rowIndex, data.colIndex );


data.grid.removeItemAt( data.rowIndex );*/

this.grid.swapItemAt(dropRec, row, col);

return true;



Lakshminarayana K

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