lundi 23 juin 2014

Can't use Architect 3.0.4 due to constant error: Unknown option: `-l' Usage: tcsh [ -

Howdy all, we are trying to migrate some of our existing apps from 2.x to 3.x Architect. Went to install the latest 3.x and after install prompted us for an update. Tried several times all with a failure of:

Unknown option: `-l'

Usage: tcsh [ -bcdefilmnqstvVxX ] [ argument ... ].

Found a small hint on the site about manually installing Cmd 4.x instead of 5.x. After that the upgrade worked, but now when we go to publish we get this error:

4:42:07 PM

rsync -arvuz "/Users/scotth/Documents/Development/Donut-Dashboard/sencha/DonutDashboard/" "/Users/scotth/Documents/Development/Donut-Dashboard/ux/" --exclude .svn --exclude .git --exclude .hg --exclude .DS_Store --exclude .cvs --exclude metadata --exclude *.xds --exclude .xds --exclude .architect --exclude .sencha_backup --exclude archive --cvs-exclude

Unknown option: `-l'

Usage: tcsh [ -bcdefilmnqstvVxX ] [ argument ... ].

What can we do to fix this issue? We've had to go back to 2.x in the mean time.



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