jeudi 29 janvier 2015

Custom Generator Support

I would like to propose an enhancement request if not already done so. I really like the Data Binding generator, but it is unlikely it would ever fit my needs. Ideally we would have the ability to add our own generators to Architect, allowing us to create components, stores etc.

For example, I am building a Backend as a Service and would like a custom generator to connect to the service, retrieve meta data and then generate the appropriate components etc. This is more than an alternate datasource though as the components I would create would be based on custom components defined in a user extension.

Not sure how the client is created (ie Node-webkit, Titanium etc), but if you could leverage a generation tool such as is in Ruby on Rails, Node.js yeoman etc that would be fantastic.

Has anyone else requested such a feature? Do you see this as being useful for other users in the enterprise community??

Custom Generator Support

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