mardi 30 septembre 2014

Accessing multipul dimensions of an ajax request

Greetings all! I've got api that generates JSON for me to consume in extjs. I've got a model set up for the fields


fields: [
name: 'UNID'
name: 'MIN_IN_STAT'
name: 'NUM_1'
name: 'CDTS'

but I'd like to access data being passed at a higher level of the response than that. My new response is structured like so:



I'd like to take the totalServiceClosed and totalTroubleClosed and just throw them into a variable once the ajax request is loaded, but I don't know where to look to access the info. I tried to add another reader, but Sencha Architect isn't letting me. Any help or direction is very much appreciated! Thanks!

EXTJS 4.2.3 w/Sencha Architect

Accessing multipul dimensions of an ajax request

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