mercredi 25 février 2015

Unable to override configs

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default

    There isn't really a bug here. Overrides need to be applied to classes before the instance is first created. In this case, the ext-empty-store is created when the StoreManager loads, which, by default, creates a reader/writer.

    I guess we could fashion it in such a way that it skips the creation of those parts.

    Evan Trimboli

    Sencha Developer

    Twitter - @evantrimboli

    Don't be afraid of the source code!

  3. Default

    Hi Evan,

    I just don't understand why the override works for the Xml writer but not the Json writer.

    Also the example demonstrates the creation of a writer directly without a store.


  4. Default

    Sorry my bad the fiddle link text is different to the actual link in original post. *Sigh*

    Updated original post too.

Unable to override configs

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