mardi 24 février 2015

Grid summary row missing colgroup

I just tried using the summary feature for a grid, wherein the store is dynamically populated using user inputs, when the summary value of a column is too long it doesn't get ellipsis like normal columns. After investigating the dom structure i found that the summary row table doesn't contain a colgroup. I have even tried it on the docs page for summary feature, when the column value is too long it stretches the column in the summary row instead.


Ext.define('TestResult', {
extend: '',
fields: ['student', {
name: 'mark',
type: 'int'

Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
width: 400,
height: 200,
columnLines: true,
title: 'Summary Test',
style: 'padding: 20px',
renderTo: document.body,
features: [{
dock: 'bottom',
ftype: 'summary'
store: {
model: 'TestResult',
data: [{
student: 'Student 1',
mark: 840000
student: 'Student 2',
mark: 720000
student: 'Student 3',
mark: 960000
student: 'Student 4',
mark: 680000
columns: [{
dataIndex: 'student',
text: 'Name',
summaryType: 'count',
summaryRenderer: function(value, summaryData, dataIndex) {
return Ext.String.format('{0} student{1}', value, value !== 1 ? 's' : '');
}, {
dataIndex: 'mark',
text: 'Mark',
width: 60,
summaryType: 'sum'

Grid summary row missing colgroup

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