mardi 24 février 2015

process for creating right-click context menu on grid using architect

Does anyone have a clue on what the process for adding a grid right-click context menu using architect? I can set it up just fine without architect.

I can add the context menu listener using architect resulting in the following:

in grid panel code


listeners: {
itemcontextmenu: 'onGridpanelItemContextMenu'

in view controller code:


onGridpanelItemContextMenu: function(dataview, record, item, index, e, eOpts) {

Now how do i create the following custom menu attribute in my view controller?


var mnuContext{ items:[{ id:'do-something', text:'Do something'}], listeners:{ itemclick:function(item){switch({case'do-something':break;}}}});

basically, how can/should I create any custom attribute/property inside a class managed by architect?

Thanks in advance for any help.

process for creating right-click context menu on grid using architect

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