mercredi 30 avril 2014

Wanted: Sencha Touch developer / expert

I'm a student and currently doing my thesis. I need to ask a couple of questions to someone who has worked with Sencha Touch regarding the framework.

It will not take long to answer the questions. If someone could help me out it would be a big help.

I'll paste the questions below so if anyone wants to answer they can just reply this thread (or pm me)

Also, IF you want (its not mandatory at all) it would be awesome if you could start with some information about yourself (title (if you work with programming proffessionally), how long you worked with sencha etc).


1. Are there any predefined components/controls that you can use? For example buttons, tables etc

2. Which different binding types are supported? (One way, One Time, Two Way etc)

3. Is it easy to generate objects from a model? For example, lets say that a model consist of JSON data with a list of 10 different products. The products has name, price, type etc. If you want to create 10 components (for example table rows, tiles) based on this model, how straightforward is this?

4. Can a webapplication developed in AngularJS automatically adapt itself to different devices? That is, will the application look good both on desktops, smartphones and tablets without needing to write three variants of code?

5. Many frameworks supports modern webbrowsers, but how is the support for older browsers?

Does AngularJS support “Graceful degradation” or something similar?

6. Are there lots of information regarding the framework? (Communities, official documentation like API etc, courses)

7. Is it possible to integrate the framework development into eclipse or other IDE? To get for example the code completion feature for the framework.


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