mardi 2 décembre 2014

The grid support double direction infinite scroll ?

I want to use grid to show some data that order by ID, and the use can use mouse scroll up/down to show data.

if the use appoint the ID,the grid may show the record that ID >appoint ID for the first page ,

when the mouse sroll up ,the grid may show the data that ID < appoint ID,

for example:

their have 1000 record ,page size 50 ,appoint the ID = 500;


grid show 500---549 for the first page,

mouse sroll up ,show :450--499; and scrool up up ,show 400--449;

I run this example : ext-\examples\grid\infinite-scroll.html

find it only support scroll 'down' infinite,but not support scroll 'up' when it in the first page,

Can somebody know how to handle this application?

The grid support double direction infinite scroll ?

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