lundi 22 décembre 2014

Tree store and nested list issue


My project is touch 2.4. I have a issue dealing with nested list and tree store:

This is my store:

Ext.define('', {

extend: '',

requires: [






config: {

model: 'App.model.Servicios',

storeId: 'Tree',

defaultRootProperty: 'items',

proxy: {

type: 'ajax',

type: 'localstorage',

reader: {

type: 'json'





Now this is my model :

Ext.define('App.model.Servicios', {

extend: '',

requires: [



config: {

fields: [


name: 'categoria',

type: 'string'



name: 'nombre',

type: 'string'



name: 'ubicacion',

type: 'string'



name: 'datos',

type: 'string'





This is the container with the nested list:

Ext.define('App.view.ServiciosContainer', {

extend: 'Ext.Container',

alias: 'widget.servicioscontainer',

requires: [





config: {

height: '100%',

id: 'ServiciosContainer',

width: '100%',

layout: 'fit',

items: [


xtype: 'toolbar',

docked: 'top',

items: [


xtype: 'button',

id: 'serviciosContainerHome',

iconCls: 'list'



xtype: 'button',

id: 'serviciosContainerBorrar',

iconCls: 'trash'



xtype: 'button',

id: 'serviciosContainerAgregar',

iconCls: 'add'





xtype: 'nestedlist',

id: 'lstServicios',

displayField: 'nombre',

store: 'Tree'





The add button does the following:

var data = {

items: [


nombre: '1',

items: [{

nombre: '1.1',

items: [{

nombre: '1.1.1 last',

leaf: true

}, {

nombre: '1.1.2 last',

leaf: true


}, {

nombre: '1.2 last',

leaf: true




nombre: '2',

items: [{

nombre: '2.1 last',

leaf: true

}, {

nombre: '2.2 last',

leaf: true





var servicios = Ext.getStore('TreeStore');


This is the error I get when I try to add data to the store :

TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'children.length')

Please help!!!

Tree store and nested list issue

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