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New bug for IdProperty + inheritance in Ext 5.1
New bug for IdProperty + inheritance in Ext 5.1
(Check this fiddle for complete sample :
we have these "base" and "child" classes : Ext.define('base', { extend: '', idProperty: 'Id', }); Ext.define('child', { extend: 'base', fields:[ 'Id','Title'], });the following "getField" method returns null : var x = new child(); console.warn(x.self.fieldsMap);//it has not Id !!! console.warn(x.getField('Id'));but if I don't use inheritance it would be ok! Also If I don't define 'Id' field in child class, it would be ok too (check 'child2' class in provided sample)It makes problem wherever this "getField" method called (like in TreePicker).
New bug for IdProperty + inheritance in Ext 5.1
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