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Problem with 'clearValue' in ComboBox in latest nightly build (12/22/14)
Problem with 'clearValue' in ComboBox in latest nightly build (12/22/14)
I've been trying to get a twin-trigger combo box working and after some help on the forum I was able to get something to sort of work. The idea was to have a trigger for the drop down and another trigger for the clear. When I implemented the combo-box based on feedback from the forum I got the widget to work with one exception, clicking the 'clear' trigger didn't clear the field. After some experimentation I discovered that my code *would* work in Ext JS but not in the latest nightly build (which is what I was using). I've created a Fiddle which shows the problem here:
To see the bug, run the Fiddle for the current nightly build. From the combo box, pick a state (or pick multiple). The close trigger ('X') should appear. Now click the close trigger. This is supposed to clear the value of the combo box, but as you will see, it doesn't.
Now, change the version of Ext JS to and rerun the example. You should see that it works perfectly. The 'X' will appear when there are selections and when you click the 'X' the selections (and the 'X') will disappear.
Obviously something got broken between and the 12/22/14 (possibly earlier) nightly build.
Problem with 'clearValue' in ComboBox in latest nightly build (12/22/14)
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