Run the code below:
Here's the result:
Never the 4th one back...
Not all Promises returned
var count = 0,
promise = new Ext.Promise(),
syncEngines = ['engine1', 'engine2', 'engine3', 'engine4'],
syncTimestamps ='syncTimestamps'),
checkDone = function() {
if(count==syncEngines.length) {
promise.fulfill(new Date());
Ext.each(syncEngines, function(engine) {
console.log('Getting timestamp for: ' + engine);
syncTimestamps.get(engine).then(function(dt) {
console.log('Promise return: ' + count);
return promise;
Here's the result:
[Log] Getting timestamp for: engine1 (Main.js, line 273)
[Log] Getting timestamp for: engine2 (Main.js, line 273)
[Log] Getting timestamp for: engine3 (Main.js, line 273)
[Log] Getting timestamp for: engine4 (Main.js, line 273)
[Log] Promise return: 1 (Main.js, line 276)
[Log] Promise return: 2 (Main.js, line 276)
[Log] Promise return: 3 (Main.js, line 276)
Never the 4th one back...
Not all Promises returned
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