Hi guys,
But as soon as i use "this.getRecord()" in applyDeviceOverviewBox method the containing apply methods from datamap are not be called.
Any idea?
Populating Dataview with different dataitems
i need assistence. I try to simplify my code but the dataview with component use is a showstopper fpr me.
The dataview with components works fine for me, but i have different dataitem types. So each type has different controls. I would like to change the dataitem class in relation to the type i get from the record.
I tried to change the apply method:
applyDeviceOverviewBox: function(config) {
if (this.getRecord().get('unique_name') == 'type1') {
return Ext.factory(config, HomeBox.view.type1.DeviceInnerItemView, this.getDeviceOverviewBox());
} else if (this.getRecord().get('unique_name') == 'type2') {
return Ext.factory(config, HomeBox.view.type2.DeviceInnerItemView, this.getDeviceOverviewBox());
But as soon as i use "this.getRecord()" in applyDeviceOverviewBox method the containing apply methods from datamap are not be called.
getDeviceOverviewBox: {
setDeviceIcon: 'homebox_type',
setDeviceControlElement1: 'homebox_type',
setDeviceControlElement2: 'homebox_type',
setDeviceId: 'unique_name'
Any idea?
Populating Dataview with different dataitems
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