mercredi 3 décembre 2014

Show PDF using PhoneGap with Sencha 2.4

Hi All,

I would like to know is there a way to show the PDF(that is coming from server via web service) inside the tab panel.

Basically I would like to do the following

1. Show the PDF inside the Tab Panel

2. Double Tap to maximize the PDF to full screen

3. In Full Screen mode, double tap to minimize to Tab Panel(i.e original view)

Please let us know is there a way to achieve the above functionalists via Sencha.

Note; We tried iframe to load the PDF inside the tab panel - but single finger scroll is not working and need to use Mac gesture (i.e double finger to move the PDF up and down)

Please provide your input if any....



Show PDF using PhoneGap with Sencha 2.4

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