samedi 20 décembre 2014

REST-store performs un-wanted POST's on init.

I'm having issues with a REST store.

It's configured with autoSync: true and performs unexpected and unwanted POST and PUT-operations.

When my application loads, the store loads and begins with firing a POST with empty data after that it loads the backend data.

With autoSync: false in starts up like expected, ie no POST-operation.

Why does this happen?

The store is empty and the record it's trying to sync back doesn't even exists!

Screen Shot 2014-12-20 at 17.30.41.png

Screen Shot 2014-12-20 at 17.31.47.png



Ext.define('Archive.model.Directory', {
extend: '',

requires: [

fields: [
type: 'int',
name: 'id'
type: 'string',
name: 'name'
type: 'int',
name: 'games'
type: 'boolean',
name: 'leaf'

hasMany: {
model: 'Archive.model.Directory',
name: 'children'

proxy: {
type: 'rest',
extraParams: {
otype: 'user',
oid: 1
url: '/api/v1/archive/directory.php',
appendId: false,
reader: {
type: 'json',
rootProperty: 'data'
writer: {
type: 'json'



Ext.define('', {
extend: '',

requires: [

constructor: function(cfg) {
var me = this;
cfg = cfg || {};
storeId: 'Directory',
autoLoad: true,
autoSync: true,
model: 'Archive.model.Directory'
}, cfg)]);

REST-store performs un-wanted POST's on init.

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