I believe there is a bug in the method redirectTo found in Ext.app.BaseController. If you use "force", it will fire twice if the force is not necessary (i.e. the token is different). This bug is still present in the latest nightly. I'll make a fiddle if I find time, but it's pretty easy to see the issue just looking at the code.


redirectTo: function(token, force) {
if (token.isModel) {
token = token.toUrl();
if (!force) {
var currentToken = Ext.util.History.getToken();

if (currentToken === token) {
return false;
} else {
Ext.app.route.Router.onStateChange(token); Fires here

Ext.util.History.add(token); Fires again because the token changes

return true;

Something like this should fix it:


redirectTo: function(token, force) {
if (token.isModel) {
token = token.toUrl();
var currentToken = Ext.util.History.getToken();

if (currentToken === token) {
if (force) {

return false;


return true;