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Typo in jsdoc of Ext.form.CheckboxGroup#getErrors
Typo in jsdoc of Ext.form.CheckboxGroup#getErrors
The jsdoc of Ext.form.CheckboxGroup#getErrors seemingly contains a typo where is states that "...allowBlank is set to true..." when it should say "...set to false...".
Lines 189 through 200 have:
* Runs CheckboxGroup's validations and returns an array of any errors. The only error by default is if allowBlank
* is set to true and no items are checked.
* @return {String[]} Array of all validation errors
getErrors: function() {
var errors = [];
if (!this.allowBlank && Ext.isEmpty(this.getChecked())) {
return errors;
where it should be:Code:
* Runs CheckboxGroup's validations and returns an array of any errors. The only error by default is if allowBlank
* is set to false and no items are checked.
* @return {String[]} Array of all validation errors
getErrors: function() {
var errors = [];
if (!this.allowBlank && Ext.isEmpty(this.getChecked())) {
return errors;
Typo in jsdoc of Ext.form.CheckboxGroup#getErrors
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