I am using Ext JS4 with Java. I am following the MVC approach. I have a form to get book details. First, I have a fieldset with a combobox to input the 'number of books required' with input values 1,2,3.
The second fieldset will contain fields like 'book name' and 'book author'.
Based on the value selected in the combo box, i need to open 1,2 or 3 fieldsets to accept the book details. Also, i need to update the title of the second fieldset like Book 1,Book 2 or Book 3.
Open multiple fieldsets based on combo box value
xtype : 'fieldset',
title: 'Books',
name : 'Number of Books Required',
xtype : 'combo',
store : new Ext.data.SimpleStore({
fields : [ 'book_count', 'book_val' ],
data : [ [ '1', '1' ],
[ '2', '2' ],
[ '3', '3' ] ]
displayField : 'envName',
valueField : 'envCode'
The second fieldset will contain fields like 'book name' and 'book author'.
xtype : 'fieldset',
title: 'Book 1',
name : 'Book Name',
xtype : 'textfield',
name : 'Book Author',
xtype : 'textfield'
Based on the value selected in the combo box, i need to open 1,2 or 3 fieldsets to accept the book details. Also, i need to update the title of the second fieldset like Book 1,Book 2 or Book 3.
Is it possible to do it from the front end Ext JS? If so,how should I do this?
Considering the best coding practices.. Since I am following MVC, should I put the second fieldset in a different form and load it as needed?
Any reference or information will help..
Thanks in advance
Open multiple fieldsets based on combo box value
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