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[EXT JS 5.0.0] : When I use scrollTo with the plugin bufferedrender I've a random err
[EXT JS 5.0.0] : When I use scrollTo with the plugin bufferedrender I've a random err
I use a grid with plugin bufferedrender.
In some cases, after the reconfigure event was launched, I execute scrollTo function to go to my row like this :Code:
goToRowByModel : function(model, scroll) {
var me = this,
texteborderNorthGrid = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#textegrid')[0];
if(texteborderNorthGrid) {
if(scroll) {
indexSelectedRow = texteborderNorthGrid.getStore().indexOf(texteborderNorthGrid.getSelectionModel().getSelection()[0]);
Sometimes I have this error : Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'el' of null ext-all-debug.js:17260if I look the code at that line I have :
getOffsetsTo: function(offsetsTo) {
var o = this.getXY(),
e = || offsetsTo).getXY();
return [o[0] - e[0],o[1] - e[1]];
It seems that offsets is null at that moment.Regards
[EXT JS 5.0.0] : When I use scrollTo with the plugin bufferedrender I've a random err
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