mardi 9 septembre 2014

On click outside of checkbox, checkbox is getting checked and unchecked

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default On click outside of checkbox, checkbox is getting checked and unchecked

    On click outside of checkbox, checkbox is getting checked and unchecked


    We are using Ext js 4.1 Version. In Grid, have Checkbox model and Row Expander .

    When ever we click on particular row Expand in grid,that row will be expanded.

    In that Inner grid, have check box to each coloumn.If we click on out side check box,it is checked or unchecked.

    Can you please help on this.

  3. Default


    Have you checked with a newer version of ExtJS to see if the issue still exists with your test case? 4.2.1 is the latest public version.

    If so, and the issue persists can you post a test case demonstrating the issue you're seeing either here in this thread or at

On click outside of checkbox, checkbox is getting checked and unchecked

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