Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.
[5.0.1] Stateful grid columns don't show filtered class on state restore
[5.0.1] Stateful grid columns don't show filtered class on state restore
When a filter is set on a stateful grid, that filter gets saved in the state. When that grid state is restored, the filter is applied, but the "x-grid-filters-filtered-column" class on the column header isn't applied. So the user doesn't know it's filtered on that column unless they see the "filtered" checkbox checked.Reproduce:
Open fiddle, click on "do it" button. Set a filter of "test1" on the name column, only one entry is displayed. Close the window. Press the "do it" button again. The column is still filtered, but the "x-grid-filters-filtered-column" isn't set on the column header so it's not bold/italic.
[5.0.1] Stateful grid columns don't show filtered class on state restore
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