jeudi 30 octobre 2014

Button with icon which changed when i click


I am beginner. I have a TV server with button to show passwords. This button have icon named 'eye' which is savev in ext.css:

.eye {

background-image: url(../icons/eye.png) !important;


Code button in idnode.js is:

if (conf.hidepwd) {


abuttons.add = new Ext.Toolbar.Button({

tooltip: 'Show or hide passwords',

iconCls: 'eye',

text: 'Show passwords',

disabled: false,

handler: function() {

conf.showpwd = !conf.showpwd ? true : false;

this.setText(conf.showpwd ? 'Hide passwords' : 'Show passwords');







I wnat changed icon for this:


background-image: url(../icons/show_pass.png) !important;



background-image: url(../icons/hide_pass.png) !important;


When button have text Show password the icon must be: show_pass.png

When button have text Hide password the icon must be: hide_pass.png

Please help me how changed the code of button to work with this double icon.

Button with icon which changed when i click

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