mardi 27 mai 2014

Sencha Sliding Navigation Menu - facebook style - Adding a Panel with two child panel

I downloaded the latest version of and in the view/Main.js , for the Item1/Group 1 item, added toolbar + 2 panels, instead of toolbar + 1 panel, the code works fine:


title : 'Item1',
group : 'Group 1',

xtype : 'container',

// Enable the slide button using the
// defaults defined above in
// `slideButtonDefaults`.
slideButton : true,
layout: 'vbox',

items : [
xtype : 'toolbar',
title : 'Item 1',
docked : 'top'
xtype : 'panel',
style: 'background: red',
html: 'New1',
flex: 1,

// Mask this item when the
// container is opened
maskOnOpen : true
xtype : 'panel',
style: 'background: green',
html: 'New2',
flex: 2,

// Mask this item when the
// container is opened
maskOnOpen : true


The code works fine - it replaces the image you have in your demo with a panel with two vertically placed subpanels in red and green


I am trying to refactor the code into into separate view


Ext.define('Volt.view.FeedView', {
extend: 'Ext.Panel',

requires: [

xtype: 'feedViewCard',

config: {

iconCls: 'action',
title: 'FeedView',

type: 'vbox'

items : [
xtype : 'toolbar',
title : 'FeedView',
docked : 'top'
xtype : 'container',
style: 'background: red',
html: 'New1',

flex: 1

// Mask this item when the
// container is opened
//maskOnOpen : true
xtype : 'container',
style: 'background: green',
html: 'New2',
flex: 1

// Mask this item when the
// container is opened
//maskOnOpen : true


and use the following code in view/Main.js , removing the earlier code- there are no errors, but only the green box shows up


xtype: 'feedViewCard',
title : 'Home Page',
group : 'Group 1',
slideButton : true



Also, this refactored FeedView.js shows up as two child panels when used in a TabPanel view - so it is definitely working fine. Any advice? Thanks much

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