Using Ext JS, I can end-up in the following code with Ext.EventObject == undefined:

I'm guessing that checking for null for Ext.EventObject would be a good workaround.


Ext.define('Ext.view.BoundList', {
extend: 'Ext.view.View',
onHide: function() {
var inputEl = this.pickerField.inputEl.dom;

// If we're hiding a focused picker, focus must move to the input field unless the instigating
// browser event is a touch. In that case, the input only focuses when they touch it -
// we want to avoid an appearing keyboard.
if (Ext.Element.getActiveElement() !== inputEl && Ext.EventObject.pointerType !== 'touch') {
// Call parent (hide the element) *after* focus has been moved out.
// Maintainer: Component#onHide takes parameters.