Hi, I'm using
When I compile a production version ( with"sencha app build production" command) I receive the following warning messages:
Path-to-my-app-folder = Real path to the app folder.
Warning when build a ST app production version
framework: | Sencha Touch 2.4.x |
When I compile a production version ( with"sencha app build production" command) I receive the following warning messages:
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method doSetHidden) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/Container.js:1270
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method destroy) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/Container.js:1448
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method setParent) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/Container.js:406
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method constructor) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/Anim.js:127
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method constructor) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/Media.js:128
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method destroy) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/Media.js:344
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method destroy) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/Component.js:2668
[WRN] C1014: callParent has no target (this.callParent in Ext.Decorator.setDisabled) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/Decorator.js:157
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method initialize) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/Mask.js:68
[WRN] C1014: callParent has no target (this.callParent in Ext.data.ArrayStore.loadData) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/data/ArrayStore.js:64
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method destroy) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/util/Collection.js:1031
[WRN] C1014: callParent has no target (me.callParent in Ext.dataview.DataView.onAfterRender) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/dataview/DataView.js:892
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method constructor) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/device/connection/Sencha.js:14
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method constructor) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/device/device/Sencha.js:7
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method constructor) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/device/orientation/HTML5.js:8
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method constructor) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/device/orientation/Sencha.js:25
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method constructor) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/device/tunnel/Sencha.js:9
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method constructor) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/event/Touch.js:31
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method constructor) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/event/publisher/ElementPaint.js:19
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method constructor) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/event/publisher/ElementSize.js:18
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method handles) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/event/publisher/TouchGesture.js:91
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method constructor) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/event/publisher/TouchGesture.js:71:7
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method publish) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/event/publisher/TouchGesture.js:178:7
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method onTouchStart) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/event/recognizer/Drag.js:62
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method constructor) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/event/recognizer/Drag.js:25
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method onTouchStart) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/event/recognizer/Tap.js:20
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method updateComponent) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/field/Slider.js:196
[WRN] C1014: callParent has no target (this.callParent in Ext.fx.animation.Wipe.getData) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/fx/animation/Wipe.js:119:7
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method destroy) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/layout/Default.js:377
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method setContainer) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/layout/Box.js:78
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method onItemInnerStateChange) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/layout/Box.js:88
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method setContainer) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/layout/Card.js:93
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method onItemInnerStateChange) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/layout/Card.js:122
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method setContainer) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/layout/Default.js:63
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method onContainerSizeFlagsChange) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/layout/Fit.js:29
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method setContainer) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/layout/Fit.js:15
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method onItemInnerStateChange) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/layout/Fit.js:40
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method onContainerSizeFlagsChange) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/layout/FlexBox.js:139
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method setContainer) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/layout/FlexBox.js:47
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method onItemInnerStateChange) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/layout/FlexBox.js:81
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method setContainer) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/layout/Float.js:17
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method onItemInnerStateChange) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/layout/Float.js:23
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method destroy) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/layout/wrapper/BoxDock.js:192
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method destroy) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/layout/wrapper/Dock.js:197
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method destroy) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/util/Sortable.js:245
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method destroy) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/util/Wrapper.js:78
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method destroy) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/util/paintmonitor/Abstract.js:64
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method destroy) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/util/sizemonitor/Abstract.js:137
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method constructor) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/util/sizemonitor/OverflowChange.js:11
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method constructor) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/util/sizemonitor/Scroll.js:27
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method destroy) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/util/translatable/CssTransform.js:22
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method destroy) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/util/translatable/ScrollPosition.js:91
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method doAddListener) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/viewport/Default.js:415:7
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method constructor) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/viewport/Android.js:16
[WRN] C1018: callSuper should only be used in an override (in method constructor) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/viewport/Default.js:168
[WRN] C1019: Namespace conflicts with defined class name (Class Ext.Carousel used as namespace by Ext.Carousel.Indicator) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/carousel/Carousel.js:73
[WRN] C1019: Namespace conflicts with defined class name (Class Ext.Carousel used as namespace by Ext.Carousel.Indicator) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/carousel/Indicator.js:4
[WRN] C1019: Namespace conflicts with defined class name (Class Ext.device.Purchases used as namespace by Ext.device.Purchases.Product) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/device/Purchases.js:7
[WRN] C1019: Namespace conflicts with defined class name (Class Ext.Direct used as namespace by Ext.Direct.Transaction) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/direct/Manager.js:44
[WRN] C1019: Namespace conflicts with defined class name (Class Ext.Direct used as namespace by Ext.Direct.Transaction) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/direct/Transaction.js:3
[WRN] C1019: Namespace conflicts with defined class name (Class Ext.Picker used as namespace by Ext.Picker.Slot) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/picker/Picker.js:81
[WRN] C1019: Namespace conflicts with defined class name (Class Ext.Picker used as namespace by Ext.Picker.Slot) -- /Path-to-my-app-folder/touch/src/picker/Slot.js:19
Path-to-my-app-folder = Real path to the app folder.
Is that correct?
When I test the app I did not receive any message error.
Best regards.
Warning when build a ST app production version
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