This ticket cannot be reproduced using fiddle since it requires a remote store with filtering feature.

I have a combobox with remote data, forceSelection: true and queryMode:'remote'.

If the user filters by entering a few characters while the store is reloaded, the "Ext.selection.Model#onStoreRefresh" method is called.

If one of my previously selected value does not exist anymore in the store there is a JS error in this method.


onStoreRefresh: function(){ var me = this,
selected = me.selected,
items, length, i, rec, storeRec;

if ( {

items = selected.items;
length = items.length;

me.lastSelected = me.getStoreRecord(me.lastSelected);

for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
rec = items[i];
storeRec = me.getStoreRecord(rec);
if (storeRec) {
if (rec.hasId()) {

} else {


The issue is due to the "for loop" : it is removing items from the array it loops on.


for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) { ...

And this can lead rec to be undefined.

A solution for this kind of problem can be to iterate the array reversly,


for (i = length-1; i >= 0 ; --i)