mercredi 28 janvier 2015

Override field Spinner doesn't work on production app

Hi, I'm working on

framework:Sencha Touch 2.4.x

I create a spinner override as described in this conversation.

In order to reproduce the problem, I created the Override I click on the component with the right button and the click on "Create override for this class"

The ovverride created a file /app/override/field/Spinner.js

The code was:


Ext.define('MyApp.override.field.Spinner', { override: 'Ext.field.Spinner',
applyValue : function(value) {
value = parseFloat(value);
if (isNaN(value) || value === null) {
value = this.getDefaultValue();
return this.callSuper([value]);

SA change app.json file adding


"js": [
"path": "app/override/field/Spinner.js",
"x-compile": true


nothing more.

When I launch the command "sencha app build production" there is an error in the app:


Error evaluating with message: TypeError: undefined is not a function

To fix the problem I had to remove the line from app.json file and add the required file in app.js file


name: 'MyApp',

requires: [


Do you thing it's a SA bug o I did something wrong when I added the Override?

Thanks for your support.


Override field Spinner doesn't work on production app

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