Hi guys, I'm facing a problem using a NavigationView, but only if I build with Phonegap and then run app in my Android device (it's a Samsung Galaxy S4 running Android 4.4.2): the same exact code works fine if I test it locally in Chrome. This is the problem: if I define a function in a view and push that view in the Navigation one, then I can't use my custom function because console says me that it's undefined. To clarify, and also because my app is lot more complicated, I've build up a very simple demo.
This is the code of the Main view (the one generated by sencha cmd tool, by the way I use the version):
An this is the code of the launch function of the app.js file:
The app starts and shows me the list with the 3 items: when I tap on one of them, in console I can see the body of my custom "greet" function (both in Chrome and Android). This, to be more precise:
But if in Android, I click on one of the buttons that should call that function, this is the error that comes up:
Hope you guys can help me, thanks in advance.
[Android native] Custom functions gone from views when pushed in a NavigationView
This is the code of the Main view (the one generated by sencha cmd tool, by the way I use the version):
Ext.define('demo.view.Main', { extend: 'Ext.NavigationView',
xtype: 'main',
requires: [ 'Ext.dataview.List' ],
config: {
fullscreen: true,
itemId: 'mainPage',
items: [
title: "Demo",
layout: 'fit',
items: [
xtype: 'list',
itemTpl: '{text}',
data: [
{ text: 'Item 1' },
{ text: 'Item 2' },
{ text: 'Item 3' }
listeners: {
itemtap: function (list, index, item, record) {
var mainPage = list.up('#mainPage');
var subPage = demo.app.subPages[index];
An this is the code of the launch function of the app.js file:
launch: function() { // Destroy the #appLoadingIndicator element
this.subPages = [
xtype: 'container',
title: "Page 1",
items: [
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Greet',
listeners: {
tap: function(btn){
greet: function(){
xtype: 'container',
title: "Page 2",
items: [
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Greet',
listeners: {
tap: function(btn){
greet: function(){
xtype: 'container',
title: "Page 3",
items: [
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Greet',
listeners: {
tap: function(btn){
greet: function(){
alert("Nice to meet you!");
// Initialize the main view
The app starts and shows me the list with the 3 items: when I tap on one of them, in console I can see the body of my custom "greet" function (both in Chrome and Android). This, to be more precise:
function (){
But if in Android, I click on one of the buttons that should call that function, this is the error that comes up:
01-27 19:33:55.568: I/chromium(13540): [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'greet'", source: file:///android_asset/www/app.js (1)
Hope you guys can help me, thanks in advance.
[Android native] Custom functions gone from views when pushed in a NavigationView
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