jeudi 1 janvier 2015

Form Submit always going in Failure function (callback)

Hello All,

Kindly help in one issue:-

Form Submit always going in Failure function (callback) even though success is returned in the JSON response, below is my code:-


clientValidation: false, //done above

url : isNewLead ? '/leadmanagementservice/addLead' : '/leadmanagementservice/updateLead',

method: 'POST',

params: {

requestOrganizationId: headerDetailForm.findField('operUnitId').getValue(),

OU: User.ou,

requestOrganizationId : User.ou ,

organizationId :User.swbOu,

responsibilityId : User.swbResponsibilityId,

id : isNewLead ? '' : headerDetailForm.findField('id').getValue()


success: function(form, action) {

//this === view

var data, toolbar, field;




Json Response:-

{"leadmanagementservicedata": {

"responseStatus": {

"returnCode": 0,

"returnMessage": "Lead Updated"


"success": true,

"total": 1,

"lead": {

"id": 190,

"leadNumber": 62,

"ownerId": 0,

"company": "Frank's Company NE"



Here is the code of the form:-

Ext.define('LWB.view.form.LeadDetail', {

extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',

alias: 'widget.leadheaderform',

requires: ['LWB.model.LeadHeader'],

title: 'Lead Header',

bodyPadding: 0,

autoScroll: true,

bodyCls: 'swb-form-panel',

layout: 'absolute',

reader: new{

root: 'leadmanagementservicedata.lead',

successProperty: 'leadmanagementservicedata.success',

model: 'LWB.model.LeadHeader',




Every time after the form submit, the control goes into failure block, even though the json response has success as true and it is a valid json.

Form Submit always going in Failure function (callback)

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