Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.
extractFileInput() method triggers fileuploadfield's change event
extractFileInput() method triggers fileuploadfield's change event
Hi there, not sure if this is a bug ot expected behaviour:
When using extractFileInput() method of Ext.form.field.File component, this triggers the change event of the field. And when i use the method in a change event handler - it leads to the infinite loop resulting in a browser crash or "max. stack size exceeded" message in the console.
I have prepared a fiddle to illustrate this - just click Browse, select a file and look at the panel title:
The API says that the change event should only be triggered when the underlying input field value change and i can't see why getting the input file element leads to the change ot its value?
This applies for the entire 5.x branch , but not for 4.2!!!
extractFileInput() method triggers fileuploadfield's change event
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