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Drag and drop over an Ext.ux.IFrame scrolled has an offset
Drag and drop over an Ext.ux.IFrame scrolled has an offset
When drag'n'droping an item over an iframe scrolled, the element dragged is misslocated.
Here is the problematic code (at line 146 of IFrame.js)
event.xy = [iframeXY[0] + eventXY[0], iframeXY[1] + eventXY[1]];
That I had to replace with:Code:
event.xy = [iframeXY[0] + eventXY[0] - (iframeEl.dom.contentWindow.document.documentElement.scrollLeft || iframeEl.dom.contentWindow.document.body.scrollLeft),
iframeXY[1] + eventXY[1] - (iframeEl.dom.contentWindow.document.documentElement.scrollTop || iframeEl.dom.contentWindow.document.body.scrollTop)];
Can be reproduced on IE11 in mode IE10 ; Chrome 39 ; Firefox 35Here a fiddle that is not working at all ; I don't know why :
(I mean drag and droping over the iframe usualy works and not in my fiddle;; and what is never working is to scroll down the iframe first)
Drag and drop over an Ext.ux.IFrame scrolled has an offset
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