lundi 29 décembre 2014

DatePicker/MonthPicker problem again (now with qtip)

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default DatePicker/MonthPicker problem again (now with qtip)

    DatePicker/MonthPicker problem again (now with qtip)

    As mentioned in , the problem was solved but when you have qtip it fails again!

    to test just enable qtip by this code :


  3. Default

    a workaround is ;


    // copied from the source code (

    Ext.define('EXTJS-xxxx.picker.Date', {
    override: 'Ext.picker.Date',

    beforeRender: function () {
    * days array for looping through 6 full weeks (6 weeks * 7 days)
    * Note that we explicitly force the size here so the template creates
    * all the appropriate cells.
    var me = this,
    days = new Array(me.numDays),
    today = Ext.Date.format(new Date(), me.format);

    if (me.padding && !me.width) {

    me.monthBtn = new Ext.button.Split({
    ownerCt: me,
    ownerLayout: me.getComponentLayout(),
    text: '',
    tooltip: me.monthYearText,
    tooltipType: 'titlse',//added because of bug when qtip is enabled :
    listeners: {
    click: me.doShowMonthPicker,
    arrowclick: me.doShowMonthPicker,
    scope: me

    if (me.showToday) {
    me.todayBtn = new Ext.button.Button({
    ownerCt: me,
    ownerLayout: me.getComponentLayout(),
    text: Ext.String.format(me.todayText, today),
    tooltip: Ext.String.format(me.todayTip, today),
    tooltipType: 'title',
    handler: me.selectToday,
    scope: me

    //me.callParent(); //commented because of bug

    Ext.applyIf(me, {
    renderData: {}

    Ext.apply(me.renderData, {
    dayNames: me.dayNames,
    showToday: me.showToday,
    prevText: me.prevText,
    nextText: me.nextText,
    days: days



DatePicker/MonthPicker problem again (now with qtip)

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