jeudi 3 juillet 2014

Missing Ref Accessor methods.

I am trying to port my ExtJS 4.2 based app to 5.0. My Controller code is as below.


Ext.define('MyCompany.controller.CustomerAccountController', {
extend: '',
views: ['CustomersView'],
stores: ['CustomerAccounts'],
models : ['AppState', 'CustomerAccount'],
config: {
selectedCustomer: ''
refs: [{
ref: 'customersView',
selector: 'customersview'
}, {
ref: 'customersFilter',
selector: 'customersview textfield[name=filter]'
}, {
ref: 'customersList',
selector: 'customersview grid[name=customerslist]'


setSelectedCustomer: function() {
var customerList = this.getCustomersList(); //Throws undefined function exception

ExtJS 4.2 exposed accessor methods for all the refs declared. Looks like that feature has been removed in ExtJs 5. I read through the migration guide and did not find any guidelines on this. Is there a recommended way on how to migrate the refs accessors to 5.0?

Thanks in advance,


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