Using ExtJS 5.0.0 GPL.

I have some small test code to reproduce the problem. It will continue to recreate a new window containing a small file input field. The second invocation will fail with error "DOM element with id button_browse-trigger-filebutton in Element cache is not the same as in the DOM. Make sure to clean up Element instances using destory()"

I do not see the point. It invokes all destroy methods (win destroy, filefield destroy etc.). Seems that there is a deep component not being destroyed from extjs.

Ext.define('TestWin', {

extend: 'Ext.window.Window',

autoShow: true,

height: 170,

width: 360,

layout: {

type: 'fit'


iconCls: 'xwd-icon-key',

title: "Sample",

closeAction: 'destroy',

closable: true,

items: [{

xtype: 'filefield',

id: 'button_browse'




name : 'Foo',

launch: function() {

var cf = function() {

Ext.Msg.alert('TestWin', 'Create Window now', function(){

win = Ext.create('TestWin');

win.on('close', cf);




