And it works fine. But....
What is the best practice to open new window?
I am looking for the best way to open new window from some ViewController.
Now i am using function which look like this:
createOwnerEditWindow : function(title) {
this.ownerEditWindow = new Ext.Window({
alwaysOnTop : 10,
title : title,
closable : false,
maximizable : false,
ghost : false,
width : 400,
minHeight : 300,
autoScroll : true,
controller : 'main',
constrain: true,
layout : {
type : 'vbox',
align : 'stretch'
bodyPadding: 10,
items : [ {
xtype : 'fieldset',
title : 'Dane właściciela/współwłaściciela działki',
layout : {
type : 'vbox',
align : 'stretch'
items : [{
xtype: 'executionowner'
} ]
And it works fine. But....
I will explain it from the beggining.
My ViewController named, whatever, 'MyPanelViewController' listen for event 'testEvent'.
It still works fine.
Now... when i create window by method above, it works. I fire event 'loadDataTOThisOpenedWindow'. Still works.
When i close this window it stops working. I mean 'MyPanelViewController' no more listen for event 'testEvent'. Everything works fine, but MyPanel doesn't listen for any events fired outside MyPanel.
Where is an issue? My practice to open new window is wrong?
Thank you.
What is the best practice to open new window?
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