You found a bug! We've classified it as
EXTJS-15630 .
We encourage you to continue the discussion and to find an acceptable workaround while we work on a permanent fix.5.0.1 and 5.0.2 Ext.selection.Model can't select multiple items, allowDeselect broken
5.0.1 and 5.0.2 Ext.selection.Model can't select multiple items, allowDeselect broken
I am unable to select multiple items for views when setting the selection model mode to either 'simple' or 'multi'. The allowDeselect option is also broken. I have verified the bugs in Ext and
Have a look at this fiddle:
Thanks for the report! I have opened a bug in our bug tracker.
I was able to confirm that the allowDeselect isn't working as of 5.0.1 (make sure you use it with selection mode "SINGLE" though).
I didn't see an issue with "MULTI". Make sure you're using all uppercase when setting the mode.
5.0.1 and 5.0.2 Ext.selection.Model can't select multiple items, allowDeselect broken
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