Now, if I do include at least one Architect-managed instance of any "MyPackage" component, then everything will work as desired as long as the appropriate "requires" attributes are there. However, if I remove all Architect-managed instances of these components from the project, then "sencha app refresh" will fail. Here is some example output:
$ sencha app refresh
Sencha Cmd v5.0.2.270
[INF] Processing Build Descriptor : default
[INF] Loading app json manifest...
[ERR] C2008: Requirement had no matching files (Ext.ux.MyPackage.MyComponent) -- ...
The error just says that it can't find class files to match a required class. Of course, I need these classes so I can't just remove them from the "requires" properties and go on with my life.
The cause appears to be that if there are no Architect-managed instances of components from an available AUX, then the package associated with that AUX will not be included in the "requires" property of app.json. As a result Sencha Cmd doesn't look at that package when running app refresh. Manually adding the package to app.json fixes the problem temporarily but this fix can be undone by Architect.
Is there any clean way to force Architect to include a package when it's generating app.json? I've tried the "requires" attributes on "Application" and components but haven't had any success yet.
( Force Sencha Cmd to Include Package
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