
Executing the compressed program which uses Ext.ActionSheet,following error occurs.

"Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getPageBox' of null"

The attached sample codes are as follows:





The sample codes made by Sencha Architect

1.Make the model of project.

> sencha -sdk /path/to/touch generate app MyApp /path/to/app

2.Overwrite the attached file to app.

> copy app /path/to/app

3.Compress it.

> ant build

4.Execute it.

> sencha web -port 80 start

5.Check it on browser.


tap [MyButton1]button.

The Sheet appears from left side.

The program which is debug version operates correctly.


tap [MyButton1]button.

The Sheet does not appear from left side.

The error occurs in the console.

Delete Extcode build/production/MyApp/app.js and put the tag "<script src="touch/sencha-touch.js"></script>" into the index.html.

The program operate correctly.

What's the problem about this?

Is there any solution?

The versions of Sencha which we tested are as follows:

Sencha Cmd v5.0.0.160

Sencha Cmd v5.0.3.324

Sencha Touch v2.3.1

Sencha Touch v2.3.2

Sencha Touch v2.4.0

Sencha Architect v3.0.0

Sencha Architect v3.1.0

The error occurs All versions.