jeudi 30 octobre 2014

[NOREPRO] sencha touch store memory leaks

  1. Looks like we cannot reproduce this. Please provide another test case to reproduce this issue.

  2. Default sencha touch store memory leaks

    sencha touch store memory leaks

    when i use dynamic store, not config storeId and autoDestroy then

    store will increase and no method destroy.

    so store memory leaks is happen.

    guys help me?


    pushButton: { tap: function() {
    var mainView = this.getMainView();
    // xtype: 'subview'
    //var m=Ext.widget('subview');

    var m = Ext.create('MyApp.view.SubView');
    // if(m.getStore()!=null){
    // Ext.destory(m.getStore());
    var store = Ext.create('', {
    fields: [{
    name: 'firstName',
    type: 'string'
    }, {
    name: 'lastName',
    type: 'string'
    data: [{
    firstName: new Date(),
    lastName: "Spencer"
    }, {
    firstName: "Tommy",
    lastName: "Maintz"
    }, {
    firstName: "Aaron",
    lastName: "Conran"
    }, {
    firstName: "Jamie",
    lastName: "Avins"



    Last edited by steven_jiangxf; Today at 6:44 PM.

    Reason: add test case

[NOREPRO] sencha touch store memory leaks

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