jeudi 2 octobre 2014

Sencha panel is docked to left side and overrides my settings

Below is my code for a popup view.

It works perfectly, the the problem is that even if I set "left: 10%" it is ignoring this setting and when it generates a popup it is created with "left: 0px".

I want to absolutely center it with 10% margin.

HTML from chrome developer (problem marked in red):


<div class="x-container x-panel x-paint-monitored x-sized activityDetailsView x-floating" id="ext-activitydetails-2" style="top: 10% !important; right: 10% !important; bottom: 10% !important; left: 0px !important; z-index: 12 !important;">



Ext.define('MyApp.view.activity.Details', {

extend: 'Ext.Panel',

xtype: 'activitydetails',

config: {

cls: 'activityDetailsView',
modal: true,
styleHtmlContent: true,
hideOnMaskTap: true,
top: '10%',
right: '10%',
bottom: '10%',
left: '10%',
scrollable: true,
centered: true,


initialize: function() {

var data =;
var template = Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate', 'somehtml');
var html = template.apply(data);



Sencha panel is docked to left side and overrides my settings

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