mercredi 22 octobre 2014

[NOREPRO] Datefield - ShowToday:false - Results in ComponentQuery getRefItems error

  1. Looks like we cannot reproduce this. Please provide another test case to reproduce this issue.

  2. Default Datefield - ShowToday:false - Results in ComponentQuery getRefItems error

    Datefield - ShowToday:false - Results in ComponentQuery getRefItems error

    Put this into fiddle and open your developer console.

    I traced this back to an issue with split button.

    Version: ExtJS
    Did not see any other post about this.

    To resolve, set showToday to true


    name : 'Fiddle',
    launch : function() {
    title: 'Hello',
    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
    width: 400,
    items: [
    showToday: false


  3. Default


    Thanks for the bug report!

    It looks like this was a bug in 5.0.0 that has been fixed in 5.0.1

    Are you a Sencha products veteran who has wondered what it might be like to work at Sencha? If so, please reach out to our recruiting manager:

[NOREPRO] Datefield - ShowToday:false - Results in ComponentQuery getRefItems error

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