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Error when cloning a phantom record (only in debug version)
Error when cloning a phantom record (only in debug version)
Ext version tested:
- Ext 5.0.2 rev 1381 (Nightly 2014-09-21)
Browser versions tested against:DOCTYPE tested against:Description:- When you clone a phantom record using "debug" libs (eg: "ext-debug.js"), you get an Exception
- throws an Exception because the record being copied contains an ID
- See code below for the code that throws the exception
if (dataId) {
Ext.Error.raise('The model ID configured in data ("' + dataId + '") has been rejected by the ' + me.fieldsMap[idProperty].type + ' field converter for the ' + idProperty + ' field');
Steps to reproduce the problem:- Load a debug version of Ext JS 5.0.2
The result that was expected:- The record is cloned as a new phantom record
The result that occurs instead:- An exception is thrown ('The model ID configured in data ("' + dataId + '") has been rejected by the ' + me.fieldsMap[idProperty].type + ' field converter for the ' + idProperty + ' field')
Note: the Fiddle does not show the bug because it is not a "debug" build.
Is there a way to load a "debug" build with Fiddle? The file that Fiddle loads is called "ext-all-debug.js", but it has no debug code inside!
Error when cloning a phantom record (only in debug version)
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